{11} Zen's Older Brother

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It was great to be back home in Clarines. The sunny weather was always where I thrived the most. We've been back for a day or two now and I was already back at work. I was in the main herbalist's office, sitting at a long table with Ryu sitting across from me. He had multiple books laying on the table around him. I almost never saw him without a book. Chief Garak and I were sipping some tea that she had made.

Chief Garak was leaning against the front of her desk, "That must've been difficult for you."

"Not really," I shrugged. It wasn't a complete lie. At first, it was a bit difficult because I had to skip out on sleep to work, but it eventually got easier. I had Zen and the others to thank for that, "Zen and the soldiers at Fort Laxdo were actually really helpful."

"Well, you should be proud of your work." Chief Garak told me.

Ryu nodded, "Yeah, really good job there." I nodded to him with a smile and took a sip of my tea.

What the chief said next surprised me, "You can take the rest of the day off."

I shook my head, "Oh, no, it's fine! If everyone else is going to work then I should too." It wouldn't seem fair if I was the only one who got to get out of work. It didn't matter to me that I had a good reason too. I honestly didn't mind staying and work today.

"Getting rest is important, too," Ryu stated.

I was silent for a moment as I thought. It doesn't seem like I'm going to be able to convince them. I let out a breathy chuckle and set my cup down, "I guess, you're right,' And so I gathered up all of my stuff and started heading to the door, "I'm gonna go now, guys. I'll see you later!"

"See you later!" Chief Garak called out to me.

I gave them one last wave before leaving, closing the door behind me. I walked on the castle grounds, ready to head home. Another new meeting on this road that I'm currently on. I looked up to one of the towers that stood tall and beautiful. This is the destiny that I've chosen for myself. This is where my dreams begin to become a reality. I smiled.


The next day I woke up completely refreshed and ready to face the day. I got ready for my day at work and went on my way to the castle. I was currently walking through one of the castle hallways with books in my arms. I was taking one of the scenic routes so I could admire the outside world. The sun was shining in the hallway and warmed up my body. It felt really nice. Oh, yeah. That gets me thinking...

"What do I have to do today?" I found myself asking out loud, "From what I can remember, I have to accompany Ryu and then organize the medical records after I've done that," I stopped in my tracks when I saw a flash of white and blue in the corner of my eye. I turned and saw Zen sitting on one of the ledges, polishing his sword. "Hey, Zen. I didn't see you there."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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