Chapter 2: The attack

Start from the beginning

''Tea-o why is ever-one runnin'?'' She asked innocently.

I glanced up at our parents, They were of no help in figuring out what to tell the little girl, They were too busy exchanging what they knew about what is happening.

''Well uh. . . You know how we play tag?'' I checked, At her eager nod I forced a nervous smile on my face.

I can't tell her what's really going on. . . She's too young. . . It'll rob her of her happy youth. . .

''Well. . . Everyone's playing a giant game of new tag!'' I said, Trying to come up with a good lie on the spot.

It seemed to work as Marigold's eyes lit up, A beaming smile forming on her avian face.

''Realy!? Can I join?'' She asked eagerly, Stumbling up slightly on a word.

''Yes you can! Here's how you play, You find either mommy or daddy and you don't leave their side, Think you can do that?'' I asked.

She nodded her head rapidly, Eager to play a game.

Looking around, I spotted a wide roll of bandages, Grabbing them, I tore off a bit and tied it around Marigold's eyes.

''You gotta wear this to play the game, No matter what you hear you've gotta keep this on okay?'' I checked.

Grinning, She gave me a energetic nod, Her head moving as fast as a bobble head's.

''Theo! Come on, We have to leave now.'' Mom whispered urgently, Hurrying over to pick Marigold up by her scruff.

''How bad is it?'' I asked dad as I hurried to catch up with him, My legs not nearly long enough to fully keep pace with him.

''They've broken through the first few lines of Frogs. . . It's a blood bath out there'' He whispered quietly to me before taking flight, I followed suite, My wing beats a lot louder than his silenced ones.

''Where are we even going?'' I asked as mom sided up beside us, Her wing beats as loud as mine.

Glancing over, I could see Marigold held gently in her talons.

''There's a old cave up near the mountains, The Mothers and their shadows are leading everyone there in little groups while the Frogs try and hold off the attackers'' Dad explained quickly as we all took flight through the trees, Our wings just barely refraining from clipping branches.

''So we're running? Why aren't we standing our ground! Or at the very least trying to help our Frogs?'' I demanded, A sense of outrage filling me at the thought that we were just turning tail and running, Leaving our friends behind to die or worse.

''Are you crazy!? They know what they signed up for when they chose to become Frogs.'' Dad snapped back at me, Clearly panicked.

''Sweetie, We can't fight off a army of those Homigriffs, We'd fall like leaves in the wind, The brave Frogs have chosen to give up their lives so we can live, We can't let their sacrifice be in vain'' Mom explained as we followed behind dad.

But. . . Our friends. . . The Frogs. . .

Mid thought the canopy of leaves above us burst open, Two tussling bodies crashing down to the forest floor.

''Fly! Quicker!'' Dad shouted back to us, I started to follow them as my parents took off through the trees but I paused.

Glancing back I saw the Frog struggling to do any amount of damage to the much larger and stronger foe.

His claws and beak were barely doing damage as the larger griffin tore into him easily, The foe's claws leaving deep bloody trenches in the Frog's belly.

With a choice made, I turned around, Tucking my wings close to my body, I dived down.

Opening my beak and unsheathing my claws, I rammed right into the foe, The coppery taste of blood filling my mouth as I rammed him off of the Frog.

The larger Griffin stumbled back, Giving me the chance to grab the heavily wounded Frog and take flight.

The only problem was, With the added weight, I was slowed down. . . Yet the foe sure wasn't.

The larger griffin rammed into me, His sharp claws shredding through my wings leaving tattered feathers behind.

My eyes widened as my wings buckled under me.

Just like that I crashed towards the ground below.

No! Not like this! I have a wounded person to protect!

Spinning over onto my back, I collided into the ground.

My vision flicked as my head hit something hard and painful.

As I started to slip under, A shadow of a giant Griffin blocked out my limited view of the tattered canopy of leaves above.

Guess. . . Guess I still get to go out protecting someone. . . Just like a Fro-

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So Theo doesn't like to abandon friends, Any guesses how the attacking Normal Homigriffs are going to treat him?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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