25 • Falling •

Start from the beginning

A bell signalled, pulling me out of my reverie. 

"No, I'll get it. And please guys don't embarrass me more" I looked at them with pleading eyes.

"We don't need to do it, you are enough for it" well as much as I hate it, Hannah was true.

Opening the door, I was met with a sight for sore eyes. There he stood in his glory, light blue shirt covered by dark blue sweater and black pants along with white jordans. I couldn't help but stare at him, I am sure if nothing he could atleast make a carrier in modelling.

His intense blue eyes seemed to drink in the sight of me, which darkened with every seconds while I couldn't help but shiver at the intensity of his gaze.

"If you are done eye fucking each other we need to talk too." way to ruin the moment Em, rolling my eyes I faced her.

"You better bring her back by 12" Em pronounced, with eyes squinting in his direction all the while Aiden looked amused.

"And use protection kids I am too young to become a godmother" Hannah was the one who spoke up, oh this was embarrassing.

"Wait a minute, why would you be the godmother" Em protested while Hannah shrugged, "Well I am the responsible one" before they could rope me in the argument about my non existant kid I grabbed by purse and Aiden's hand and ran out.

"Sorry about them" the elevator door closes, both of us confined to a small space, his intoxicating cologne invading my senses.

"It's fine, they were just teasing you. I can tell from my experience that it is damn enjoyable" he chuckles while I glare at him.

"Ha Ha, very funny"I was annoyed with him,my tone was sarcastic.

I feel his fingers slipping through my  hand as he holds on it, while I couldn't help but smile at his sweet gesture.Exiting the building we move towards his parked car, and as usual he opens the door for me.

"Hmm, surprising, no Alan today" he starts to drive while looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Its a date Mia, I don't want him third wheeling" he deadpanned, I raised my hands in surrender.

"Now atleast would you tell me were are we going" I urge giving him my best puppy dog eyes, while he completely ignored me.

"Its a surprise, it is supposed to be a secret. And those eyes won't work I am not looking at you right now" he replied his eyes set on the road, huffing I looked outside the window.

"You are damn cute" his chuckle resonated, as I involuntarily smiled. 

Stopping the car, he removed his seatbelt as I followes his actions before I could get out he caught hold of my wrist.

"Close your eyes" he said in an authoritative tone, as I looked at him with a 'really' expression.

"Please Mia" he pleaded, rolling my eyes I closed them. He helped me out of the car, snaking an my around my waist I held onto him for a dear life.

"I swear to God Aiden, if I fall down I'll take you down with me and then we can have the date in the hospital" I threatened him, his chuckle echoed in my ears.

"Have faith in me darling, I'll never let you fall down or get hurt" somehow I felt that wasn't just for today, but as if he was promising me to protect me from every dangerous situations and the thought warmed my heart.

Suddenly I felt a gush of cold wind, I shivered as Aiden pulled me closer to him to provide some warmth.

"Okay, open in your eyes now" his tone was too excited, while I was eager to know what had he planned. No longer being able to resist I opened my eyes, and what stood before me shocked me as hell.

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