jisung's distance with renjun increased a lot now that chenle's back, not permanently though. chenle said he'll be there for some weeks, until his parents are back from their businesses trip.

at least jisung was genuinely happy and laughing now. unlike before chenle came, jisung barely talks. always busy with school. when jeno or mark would ask if jisung wants to play with them, jisung would refuse. using his homeworks and projects as an excuse. jisung even stopped going to mark or jeno's house for schoolworks or even just to hangout. mark says he'd often spot jisung at the coffee shop where he works at, but jisung is always doing something related to school whenever, so mark could only say some greetings to jisung.

in jisung's defense, it's what he thought of to distract himself, half of it is to avoid renjun. yes, he admits it himself. he doesn't hate renjun or anything. it's just every time he sees renjun approaching him, 'we need to talk' aura surrounds him and jisung doesn't want to talk.

even jaemin who did nothing, jisung was also avoiding him. jaemin has the same aura with renjun. he knew jaemin was just trying to help, but jisung doesn't need that kind of help right now.

jisung's parents were worried, but it lessen when chenle came.

after jisung's 'thesis'. they noticed how jisung would always lock himself inside his room. only comes out when it's time to eat. well, it's was better than not eating at all.

jaemin and renjun already explained to them what happened, except what happened before that, and they understood immediately. so renjun stayed on his own apartment, while jaemin stays with his brother.

they thought jisung was just missing his hyung and wasn't used when the older wasn't around, but whenever they would tell jisung that renjun was coming, jisung would always leave the house saying he has a group project to do. of course they let him. it's about school anyway.

renjun would always feel disappointed whenever, but he doesn't let it show. he doesn't want to make jisung's parents feel like he was only there for jisung, which is really not, and only missing jisung, which is also not true. he misses his second parents too. their cooks and their hangouts watching movies together. renjun could only smile at the memory, hoping soon enough they could do it again.

jisung felt sorry for mark and jeno. he wasn't supposed to avoid them, but they were always with jaemin and renjun. if not both, just either of the two. when they're on their own. that just means they're busy with school or just finished a school task and needs some rest.

so it was a relief when chenle came. now, he doesn't need to always stay in his room and if he does, chenle would be there with him. even though jisung would still excuse himself when the others are coming, specifically renjun and jaemin. it was better than before.

there are times that mark or jeno would come to play with chenle, since jisung doesn't wanna play with them anymore, mark and jeno sulks. renjun and jaemin couldn't come because of their mid term exams, and jisung was more than glad about it.

he doesn't wanna appear like he hates or dislikes the two, but that's just how he appears in others' point of view.

jeno once asked him about it, but jisung did his all to dismiss the question.

sometimes he does succeeded, sometimes he doesn't and just look down, guilty, and jeno's just too nice so he'd let it go. it was also a relief that jaemin or renjun didn't tell jeno and mark. jisung doesn't need another renjun and jaemin.

now that just sounded that he really dislikes the two.

while mark, he was different from jeno's. when jeno told mark about what he noticed, mark was bold about it. giving his words to jisung. every time renjun and jaemin are mentioned, mark would remind him to talk to them soon. what's good about it is mark wasn't forcing him to do it immediately. and just makes sure jisung remembers. he tells jisung to take his time, but not too long.

chenle on the other hand, despite being new with jisung's friends. he got along well with them. even with renjun and jaemin. when they would visit jisung's house, of course jisung's always absent at those times, chenle would cook and bake with and for them, play games with them, watch movies together with them. chenle was glad to finally meet jisung's friends. jisung frequently mentions them during their video calls.

chenle didn't know what happened though. except the part where jaemin and renjun were fairies before. they thought chenle wouldn't believe them, but before chenle left that time. he met renjun when he was still a fairy. so fairies isn't that new to him. what excites him is that knowing there's a fairy that looks like him, and he wishes to meet him one day.

chenle is a great friend. renjun knows that. the fact that he knows chenle the same time jisung met chenle. but renjun couldn't help but envy and get jealous with chenle. which did not get unnoticed by the younger. chenle isn't dense. he knew what those looks renjun gives him means. especially that time when they were at renjun's apartment, chenle's been wanting to visit each of them's place.

while on the way with jeno, chenle's currently staying at jisung's so jeno fetchted him there. he was drinking cola when he spilled it on himself. chenle forgot to bring extra shirt so 'jeno' lend his extra, since he said he brought two incase of emergencies like this. but that shirt was the shirt he had matching with mark and jisung. (as cliché as it was, it was cute.) but renjun didn't know. he only saw jisung wore those once so he thought it was jisung's favorite. renjun was smiling the whole time but the jealousy. renjun was all smile but his eyes was always taking glances to chenle's shirt. at first chenle thought renjun liked jeno, but renjun wasn't looking nor taking some glances on jeno with hearts in his eyes like jaemin with mark. so he asked jeno if where did he get this shirt. then it couldn't be mark since jaemin clearly likes mark. so it only leaves jisung. which made chenle excited.

i'm going to have so much fun.

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