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when jisung's parents arrived at their house earlier than the usual. the house never felt so empty.

the lights were off.
the silence was deafening.

maybe they just got used to come home with the lights on, jisung doing his homework while renjun tried helping him or light's off, but the brightness from the tv enough to lighten the living room as jisung and renjun watch some movies. and sometimes, they would come home jisung's friends still present.

earlier, just after jisung's mother finished her meeting, she received a text from jisung saying he had to stay at his classmate's house to finish their thesis. and of course she let him, knowing renjun is there to watch over jisung. though, when her husband fetched her from work, he told her that renjun texted him that he was summoned by tinkerbell for some tasks.

that means they aren't together.

did something happen while we were gone? she wonders.

it must be that bad noticing both weren't at home. she knows all of jisung and renjun's fights... or not, but she had witnessed some. if either is mad, one would leave home, but never both.

now that they both left, it must be really that bad.

she didn't wanna interfere with whatever's going on between them. she just hopes both are safe.

renjun was on his way home and just left the mini market a few streets away from his apartment, when he saw jisung running to him like he had been for a lot of rounds, his legs shows that he was tired. he was staggering.

renjun knew anytime soon jisung legs would give up so he ran few steps away from where he was standing, trying calculate how far can jisung's legs take him.

he missed a few steps, but he caught him.

his face flushed along with tears streaming down his cheecks.

he must have done it already, renjun thinks.

it can't be otherwise since the last thing they talked about was jisung confronting his hyung about his feelings, and it wasn't that long since they talked about it.

jisung is now laid in renjun's bed. after jisung lost conscious, renjun brought him to his apartment.

renjun has petite body. not that petite though, at least a bit smaller than jisung. so he had a hard time carrying jisung. thank god his place wasn't that far.

when renjun left to prepare some food, just then jisung woke up from his slumber. he was confused where he was, but when he remembered his last memory before he passed out. the thought of being in some stranger's house was long forgotten. tears started swelling his eyes again.

"jisung?" renjun tries his best to sound soft. a pinch in his heart was felt. the view was heartbreaking. yes, he haven't known jisung that long, but seeing his body curled up into a ball, renjun's comforter draped over his shaking body, sobs were audible. it makes him want to go over the younger and hug him until he calms down, but he knew jisung needs his space. so let him have his room.

when renjun hears jisung sobs calm down. he didn't hesitate and brought water to the younger. "jisung?" the younger was still curled up, but less shaking. renjun placed the glass of water on the night stand, then took a seat next to jisung whose back was facing him. renjun honestly didn't knew how to comfort the younger. yes, he has dealt with a crying person but in jisung's state right at this moment? he doubts he could comfort him, but it won't hurt to try. he just have to be careful with his words. "jisung?" he pats jisung's back. a few moments then jisung moved and hugged renjun's middle, his face pressed on the older's back.

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