"Oi, brat, you coming or what? Let's get you some food."

   Akiya's eyes widened as she processed what he was saying. Next thing he knew, the three year old had wrapped her tiny arms around his leg, scaring the heck out of him.

        He growled, and Akiya quickly let go of his leg, scampering into the restaurant.

Kojiro stormed into the kitchen only to see a messy kitchen, and nobody even attempting to clean up. He could feel the veins popping up on his forehead.

"What am I looking at here! Are all of you incompetent, or do you not know that after the dinner rush, the kitchen is to be thoroughly cleaned!" He yelled furiously at the kitchen staff, who just stood there in shock at the sudden appearance of their boss.

       "Everybody, hurry up and clean the freaking kitchen! I have a guest and you are showing how irresponsible you all are! I'm fact, I'm sure that she could do better work than you do! Now hurry up and finish!"

        While Chef Shinomiya shouted at everyone, Akiya stood behind him, peeking out at the frantic adults. She wondered why they hadn't done their job like they were supposed to.

      She snuck a peek up at the pink haired teen, in awe at how he could get the kitchen running within a few minutes of his arrival.

          Within five minutes, the kitchen was spotless, and the kitchen staff was rushing to grab their stuff and leave. Kojiro began to get out ingredients, Akiya looked at them and immediately knew what he was making.

Kojiro glanced at Akiya, who had started bouncing around in excitement. It ticked him off.

"Hey brat! Why are you bouncing around like an animal? Stop it, it annoys me." As he said this, she stopped jumping and looked up at him with a glare. She placed her small hands on her hips and said,

"Why should I stop? You are making me crepes right! That is plenty reason for me to jump around!" She clasped her hands behind her back and started walking up to the counter, attempting to look at the contents of the counter.

     Unfortunately, she was still about a foot and a half from being able to see over the counter.

    Noticing her problem, Kojiro brought over a stool, and helped her climb up into it.

    He jolted from his daze, finally realizing what Akiya had said.

"Wait a second brat, how did you know I was making you crepes? I don't remember mentioning it to you."

Akiya looked up at him from the stool, giving him an incredulous look.

"Well duh, I mean it's really easy to tell, even though I can't tell you exactly how I know." As soon as she finished, she picked up a few of the ingredients and started looking around for something.

  "Oi, stop looking around and tell me what you're looking for." She glanced up at him with a sweet smile and said simply,

"A bowl and mixer of course." I gaped at her in awe and confusion

     How is it possible for a three year old to be able to tell exactly what I'm making, just by catching a glimpse of the ingredients? Also how...

  Kojiro stopped his thoughts and turned to Akiya to ask the question that hat been on his mind ever since he met this strange little girl.

"Hey, I was wondering, why and how do you talk like someone 15 years older than you?"

      He had noticed that she talked like either an adult or a teenager, even though she was only three. It was quite strange to see a toddler talking back to him like someone his own age.

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