Chapter Two - Asshole

Start from the beginning

The girls at my station giggled, saying something about how it was very entertaining to watch us argue.


It was FINALLY the end of the day. I ended up with four classes with Tsukishima. First period English, second period chem, third period mathematics and sixth period Japanese linguistics.

(Just so you know Saiko's classes are in this order: English, chem, math, gym, lunch (no a period but this is where it is) then history and then Japanese)

God, this year was going to be hell. 

Just then, my phone dinged. It was a message from Kōshi!

Kōshi | 2:47 pm
Hey! I have volleyball after school today, but you're welcome to come and watch! I'll introduce you to my team mates, and I can walk you home afterward. I'm sure you'll get along with them. What do you think?

Me | 2:48 pm
Sure! I had quite the first day, I could use something fun!

Koshi | 2:50 pm
Do you want me to come find you or can you find your way to the gym because you're so big now??? XD

Me | 2:50 pm
Ha. Ha. I can find my own way there, thank you very much! XP

Kōshi | 2:51
Alright, see you soon! 

"Hey, Akai!" I said as I walked up to her. While our first period English teacher had been nice enough to sit us next to each other, our Japanese linguistics teacher had not.

"Hey there! So what do you think after your first day?" she asked. 

I put a finger under my chin as we walked out of the building. "Well," I said. "Other than Tsukishima being in like all my classes and being a complete asshole all day, it was pretty good!" And I wasn't lying either. Akai and I got along really well and she introduced me to some of her other good friends at lunch. 

Kiyowara Osa and Kiyowara Rin were identical twin girls. They were first years like Akai and me. They were about 5'3", had long chestnut brown hair, slim dark brown eyes and pretty fair skin. Osa was quiet and thoughtful and logical while her twin was a ball of energy.

Usami Nanayo was a second year, she was about 5'7" with short, dyed strawberry blonde hair. She was kind of tan, and she was fit because she was on the girl's basketball team. She had a fairly masculine energy about her.

Morioka Natsu was also a second year. She had long black hair and slim black eyes. She was 5'9" and very slim. She was very refined and never made any unnecessary movements. She was the vice-captain of the tennis team.

They were all so different but they all got along very well. 

"I'm glad you enjoyed your first day!" Akai said sweetly, bringing me back to reality. "Where do you live? Maybe we can walk home together!" 

"Actually," I started to say. "My cousin goes here and he's on the volleyball team. He invited me to come watch practice and he'd walk me home after that." 

"Oh, yes! I know Sugawara-san!"

"Really? I haven't gotten to see him at all today, which is weird because he said we'd probably see each other at least once." 

"Yes! He's in my sixth period gym class!" Akai and I didn't have fifth or sixth period together, along with chemistry.

"That's cool! In any case, I don't know where the volleyball gym is, could you point me in the right direction?" 

"Tsukishima, You Asshole!" | Tsukishima x OCWhere stories live. Discover now