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Hello! First official chapter. My friend wanted me to write a venti fic so here it is! I am actually supposed to be doing my chemistry homework as we speak but it can wait..right..?

This is also a mixture of angst and fluff. There are also spoilers kind of?? so SPOILER WARNING if you have NOT YET SEEN VENTIS BACKSTORY (or past?? idk man-)

This also takes place at the end of the quest of "Should you be trapped In a windless land," basically where he talks about his past. ok anyways- onto the story

This is also a gender neutral story :)))
(No mention of your gender here basically)

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(That's where you guys are btw <3)

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(That's where you guys are btw <3)

The dark blue sky was peppered with glitter. Soft, calm breezes came every once in a while. Almost like the wind was sad as well. The view of Mondstadt slightly below you, as you're standing on the hands of the Anemo God Statue. And in front of you, was a bard who looked identical to the Statue you were both on. A bard with two braids laying on his shoulders, with tints of green at the end. With a cape that would flow ever so gracefully in the wind. With a smile so contagious, and so pure.

Yet he was, so sad.

He let out a sigh, as if it were an attempt to breathe out every negative feeling in the world.

You reached out, wanting to comfort him. Despite the closeness between you two, he was so distant. You didn't know what to say or do. So you stood there in silence.

The bard started to tell a story. An old story of a brave boy, who he met back when a tyrant ruled over Mondstadt. This boy, has changed the land, along with Venti himself. He dreamed of freedom, to see past the whirlwind cage. To see the birds soar in the blue sky.

"The true sky, and songs that cageless soar. Were they not wishes worth fighting for?"

And so they fought. They were victorious, but the boy has never gotten the chance to see the birds, the sky, and everything until the end of his life.

As Venti finished his story, you looked at him with sad eyes. His mellow voice filled the cool air. A bit high pitched, yet so calming, so smooth.

You stood there, unsure what to do. You didn't want to say the wrong thing, but you wanted to let him know that you were listening. That you were there for him. And so, you decided to sit next to Venti. As you started to occupy the space, he looked at you, slightly taken aback by the bold action. He then smiled, moved over so you could sit, and inched back closer to you.

After a few minutes, the bard let his head rest on the crook of your neck. The sudden action made your cheeks heat up. You pat his head, which made him melt into you even more.

Venti looked at you with his green eyes. You blushed slightly from the little distance between your faces. It was warm. His body right against your arm, his chin resting on your shoulder, his soft chuckle when he noticed you blushing, was all enough to make your heart burst. The contact of your bodies kept you both warm whenever a cold breeze came by.
(must proteccc small bean)

You instantly knew he was starting to feel better. His eyes were livelier, and he was less tense than earlier. He was truly grateful to have you by his side. 

You rested your head on top of Venti's, and gazed off into the sky, the city, everything. The lights that came from each individual window slowly shut out one by one. You were observing every little thing you saw, as if you were trying to capture every little detail for this memory. It was so calming- so perfect. The cool breeze came again, and as it did, you and Venti huddled closer together. 

The silence was loud, yet peaceful. But the moment wasn't going to last forever. You didn't want to leave his side, because you knew that if you did, he would be gone. And you would be alone, just like always. You cared for him so deeply. Yet you never knew what was truly on his mind. "Where are you going?" was a question always left unanswered. By now, you were used to it. Though you couldn't help but feel curious.

The separations would leave you in pain. Minutes would feel like decades, and your heart would clench every time you imagined his voice.  Even the thought of leaving his side was painful.

Venti noticed your sudden change in emotion, and nudged you softly. He started to hug your arms and lean more into you, like a little koala.

"Is it my turn to cheer you up now?" The bard said jokingly. He then nuzzled your shoulder and giggled softly at his own remark. 

You looked at him with wide eyes, "Don't worry about me," you replied, smiling. You had decided to keep yourself in the present. And enjoy the time you were spending with him.

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I hope you guys enjoyed this chapterrr :D 

It's a little sad and I tried to add in a little fluffiness, but i am a sucker for angst LMAO

anyways have a nice day (diluc is probably next, if not then Kaeya)

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