I almost let his words get to me. They did hold some truth. I didn't know whether or not I should trust him since he seems to be playing games with me. But regardless I know there must be some reason Nio lied about having a brother. Why would he? What's happened between them? Where has he been this whole time? But the one question that stuck out like a sore thumb in my mind is Why not tell me? This man clearly knows Arin. And Arin knows all about him. Everybody including Nio had me under the impression that he loved me way more than Arin. So how did she know and not me? We've had so many deep talks and he just looked me right in the eyes and lied about being an only child. Was everything else about the story true?

"I don't believe you." I tell him crossing my arms over my chest. He's not the only one that knows how to play mind games. Right now I'm pretending that I'm not buying it just so he can tell me more.

"Oh really?" His eyes darken and he lifts his hand up running it over his waves. "What else did he tell you huh? That our mom had cancer? That she died that way?"

I give a fake laugh. "Oh he told you that bullshit didn't he?" Vonte continues. "My brother is a pathological liar. You know how our mother really died? After she got pregnant with me she was depressed and got hooked on drugs. Our dad was very abusive and after a heated argument he left with me and his shit. She ain't let him take Antonio with her. A while after that she overdosed and flatlined. Ever since then he's lived his own life doing his own shit and avoiding me. He blames my dad for what's happened and blames me too because she was pregnant with me and that caused her depression. So he leaves a lot of shit out when explaining himself. He's still hung up on how she died so he spits bullshit about her having cancer. We know the truth tho."

My head was hurting just hearing all this information. He lied about his entire life and child hood. The only truth being how messed up his dad was. He looked me right in the eyes and lied to me so how am I supposed to believe the rest is true? That he really loves me. I mean it doesn't even feel or sound right. "Yeah right." I say sarcastically trying to cover up my doubt.

Vonte shrugs. "What I got to lie for? Like literally what do I have to lie for?" I sat here thinking about what he said.

This man didn't know me from a can of paint. What would he get out of lying to me? I couldn't think of one motive to make him do this. "Why are you here? You waiting on Nio?" I change the subject.

He licks his lips flashing his white teeth off to me. "Nah actually baby I got a business opportunity for you."

"It's Ruby." I correct.

"What?" He raises an eyebrow.

I repeat myself. "You said baby, my names Ruby."

"I like baby better." Vonte says making me laugh.

"Well you don't know me," I state. "So what you here for me for?"

"I think we should work together. Me and you."

I laugh. "No thank you. I'm happy where I'm at." I turn him down.

"Happy what?" He scoffs. "Watching over shit in this bitch? You doing a job he could've gave to one of these young ass teens in here. But you? You a grown ass woman. You deserve to be running shit. All of this shit."

It seems like he knows exactly what to say to get inside my head. But I held my ground. "It's a process. Shit takes time to get where you want." I shrug.

Hereditarily THUG (Thug Obsession Series) |Book2|Where stories live. Discover now