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Some Amortentia shizz for V-Day haha 🤪 uh no but I honestly don't even really know exactly what amortentia DOES so like I would love to know and yeah I did what I could.

-Year 5-

Harry has had a crush on Draco Malfoy since his first year at Hogwarts. Though Harry being Harry, he has never done anything about it. He just fights with Draco when he has the chance to do so.

    Being bored in Potions he didn't realize what they were even doing since Hermione was doing all the work for them. Hermione being the amazing friend she is eventually made Harry help her. She explained what it was they were making to him.

    "It's called Amortenia and it's the most powerful love potion there is!" she says excitedly.

    "Okay why are we making it though? To be honest it doesn't seem all that important." Harry, still bored, doesn't understand why this is even necessary. "What does it even do?"

    "Honestly Harry! Every potion is important to learn to make! But to answer your question the power we are making it at is only supposed to make whoever smells it smell what they are attracted to which usually just makes you smell the person you desire." This peeked Harry's interest.

    "Oh are you almost done? I want to try it."

    "I will be if you help me!"

Reluctantly Harry started to help Hermione finish up the potion. Harry was just interested to see if he could smell Draco- but he doesn't even know what he smells like so how will he know?

Now that they were done Hermione was first to inhale the scents coming from the boiling cauldron filled with pink liquid. "It smells like new parchment, freshly mown grass, and spearmint toothpaste." she smiled blushing a soft pink.

"Alright my turn," Harry nearly shoved Hermione out of the way from how excited he was to smell it. "I smell vanilla, new parchment, and apple?" Harry's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Is that what Draco smelled like? Also apple??

"Apple?" questioned Hermione.

"I guess so?"

Harry had an idea he wanted to know if Draco smelled him- or what he would assume his scent was.

While Harry was putting the supplies back he found an empty glass jar and pulled it off the shelf. He walked back to his workplace and un-screwed the lid. Making sure no one was looking he pulled the jar up and dipped it into the cauldron collecting some of the pink liquid. He quickly took it out and screwed the lid back on tightly. He shoved the jar into his bookbag and pulled it around his shoulder and when they were dismissed walked out of the classroom.


At dinner Harry keeps looking over at the Slytherin table taking small glances towards a certain blonde. Harry decided that he would get the Amortentia near Draco after dinner to find out what he smelled.

    As Draco stood up to leave with his friends Harry and his friends did the same. Harry had to wait for a chance to get next to Draco. As they made their way to the doors Harry made sure to stay ahead of his friends.

    As they exited the Great Hall Harry saw his opportunity and brought out the jar. He dipped his fingers in and got some on him then vanishing the jar.

    Harry and his friends still walking behind him neared Draco. Now Harry and Draco were walking side by side.

Suddenly Draco smelled it. He looked to his side to see the one and only Harry Potter walking next to him.

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