Chapter 15 -- Cocktails and Dress-Up

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Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading this far! I'm so happy that I finally got around to writing this story, as I've had this idea ever since I wrote the first story, Fibonacci. Just a fair warning, these last few chapters are kind of a Bonus Chapters. Basically, it's majorly just fluff, but I had this scenario pop up in my head, and I just had to include it at the end here. Thanks again! Enjoy the last portion of His Secret!

No One's POV 

It had been a couple days since Spencer had been released from the hospital, and in no time at all, he was back working, for he missed it so much. This particular Friday was a slow day, every agent hunched over their desks doing paperwork; every so often, Morgan and Spencer would sneak smiles at one another across the pigpen. However, there was something eating at Spencer, and he knew of only one person to speak to about it...and it wasn't his boyfriend. Coming to a decision, he stood from his desk, glanced at Morgan, and headed off to her office. 

He grinned as he opened the door, finding Penelope messing around with a light-up stress ball. Upon seeing her favorite boy genius close the door behind him, entering her humble abode, she greeted, "Well if it isn't my favorite young genius with an eidetic memory! What can I do you for?"

"A-actually my eidetic memory is an ability commonly associated with hyperthymesia which is a condition that allows people who have it to recall in vivid detail an abnormally large amount of their life experiences...a-and according to recent studies, there are only 61 cases of hyperthymesia I'm probably the only person with an eidetic memory that you know." 

"Oh, honey...what's eating at you?"

"W-what do you mean? What gives you the impression that there's any-"

"Come on, sugarplum, you're a weird guy...but you don't usually ramble on about stuff when its not for a case."


"Just humor me," Penelope began, her smiling slightly faltering, "What's up? You clearly came in here for a reason...besides keeping me up to date on hyper-whatever statistics, yeah?"

Giving in, Spencer finally confessed, " see.......Derek asked me out on our first official date, and I haven't really been on a date in...forever, and so I was just wondering if you could, I don't know...."

"Help you out! I'd be honored!....that is what you were asking me right?" Penelope responded, her smile growing so much that Spencer was shocked it didn't sprout legs and gallop away. 

Spencer instinctively rubbed his neck and nodded in thanks before Penelope exclaimed, "Yes! Oh, that explains why he was acting so weird when I asked what his plans are for tonight, the date is tonight! Ah! Okay, I'll be over right after work to help you prepare, oh I'm so excited! Oh my gosh, first we'll need to sort out an outfit! Then we can work on your charm!"

"My charm? What's wrong with my charm?"

Penelope giggled and answered, "Oh nothing at all, my sweet....there's just always room for improvement," Spencer smiled and rolled his eyes, "Anyways, I'll be seeing you later on today then! I'm so excited! Did I mention that I'm so freaking excited!" 

Spencer laughed and replied, "You definitely did. I'll see you later." 


For what felt like the thousandth time, Spencer stepped out of his bedroom in yet another outfit to show Penelope, who sat on his couch, her legs crossed putting her fuzzy pink socks on display, drinking her fourth cocktail of the evening.

"This one looks pretty alright...right?" 

"Ehhhhhh," Penelope replied, "The sweater vest isn't really working for me one hundred percent...go on, put on the next one." 

"You mean the last one....I don't know, maybe I just shouldn't go..I'm sure Derek would understa-"

"Nooooo! Go put on the next outfit before I put it on you myself!" 

Spencer rolled his eyes, laughter threatening to cascade from his mouth, before heading back into his bedroom and shutting the door, the next and final outfit displayed on his bed. 

Spencer then found himself wondering if this was all worth it. They were going to a casual dinner and then walking around some park; was his outfit really that important? He could practically hear Penelope's shouts of disagreement in the back of his head.

Shaking his head, he removed the previous failure and began putting on the next. This one involved some grey jeans paired with some black dress shoes and a black tight sweater; finally, Penelope had also provided a jean jacket to top everything off. Before he had the chance to walk out of the room, Spencer made a last minute decision to add a watch onto his wrist; he thought it completed the outfit a bit more. 

"Ohhhhh myyy goooooooddddd!" Penelope slurred out, the alcohol officially getting to her. 

Spencer couldn't contain the giggles that he let out, "Does that mean you like it?"

"Like it? I loooooovvvvveeeeeees it!" 

Spencer laughed once again and replied, "That's good...I actually kind of like this one."

Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. Penelope jumped off of the couch, knocking the last bit of her current beverage letting it spill onto the wooden floor, and headed for the door, almost tripping in the process. She attempted to whisper, "That's probably himmmmmmm. I'll get it!" 

Spencer was too occupied with trying to clean up Penelope's drink catastrophe that he missed the exact moment when Penelope lead Morgan into the apartment where they both now stood, waiting for Spencer to come to his senses.

He finally let it go and slowly stood up, feeling Morgan's eyes surveying his every moment. Finally standing upright and meeting his partner's eyes, Spencer began, " look....very handsome."

Morgan chuckled and replied, "Right back at you, pretty boy...I wasn't expecting to find you here, baby girl."

Penelope let out a fit of laughter, during which Spencer and Morgan exchanged an amused look, "Wellllll, I just thought I'd take a trip down to you know helpp Spencer with his attireeeeeee. Doesn't he just look presciousssss?" 

"You bet, girly....I called you a cab to take you home, it should be down right about now. Let's head out, shall we?" Morgan said as they all filed out of the apartment, Spencer locking the door. 

After they had Penelope safely in the cab and on the way home, Spencer and Morgan began strolling towards the restaurant, where they were promptly seated. And so it began. 

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