Chapter 5: The worst werewolf in history

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Derek trudged the length of the broken down bus he slept in, his features scrunched up in frustration at the thought of the female Beta that maddened him.

His thoughts drifted back to the training session in the evening which had not gone at all the way he wanted. The girl really knew how to push his buttons; she just refused to show any anger of any kind, not even annoyance. Derek remembered the way she would attempt to attack him and always end up either pinned down or thrown to the floor, but she would always get back up with an amused smile, at time he knew she was getting tired by never tried to mask it with annoyance but with huff and pout at her lips then resume to dust herself off and get back to her starting position. It boggled his mind, teenagers were the very epitome of angst and temper yet she showed none of those qualities, even when Erica and Isaac teased her constantly after her embarrassing falls; she smiled and brushed them off like dusting snowflakes off a winter coat. 

Is she retarded? Derek dubbed her to be the worst werewolf in history; she showed no signs of even being part Lycan. Growling in frustration Derek stomped out of the bus and into the wide space, determined to shake some sense into the girl. Derek marched to the where the loan –barely held together—bunk bed when the sight of her sleeping form stopped him. All previous resentment he had diminished instantly like water to flame, there she rested on her back the large jersey she brought she had used as a blanket and it was now tangled between her legs, she didn’t sleep lady like at all but the pure serene look on her pretty face did strange things to his insides. Derek couldn’t stop his features from softening at the sight of her, his gaze fell on scratch that ran down her arm, it was small and barely noticeable but Derek wondered why it wasn’t healing.

Realization dawned to him; he must have inflicted it unintentionally, she suddenly shifted grabbing the Alpha’s attention, she rolled on to her side facing him and curled up to trap heat to keep warm since her make shift blanket failed miserably. Derek sighed shaking his head in disbelief, turning around he walked into his bus once more before emerging with an old grey blanket he had managed to steal from the motel rooms he used to stay in, he walked over to her unsuspecting form and gently draped the blanket over her.

Derek stood towering over her, watching her sleep for a moment his thoughts drifting. Meg wasn’t the type of girl he was used to dealing with; managing Erica was much simpler than her. Erica although itched to retaliate was more fearful of what Derek was capable of, Meg on the other hand didn’t show fear or any intention of retaliating, she was all smiles and carefree and it bothered him. Derek frowned, he knew had to up his game in tomorrow’s training session, he couldn’t let her inability to feel angry slide, he had to get her to turn and learn to control her wolf form if she was planning on surviving. 


“What are they saying?” Stiles asked eagerly poked Scott who tried to eavesdrop on Derek’s Betas from their seat at the canteen table; the teen wolf scowled glaring at his best friend.

“Will you shush Stiles? I can’t hear them over the sound of your voice.” He snapped and Stiles brought his hands up in submission.

“Alright,” Scott sighed and tried again drowning out all the other noise in the cafeteria and just focusing on them at the far end of the canteen. Isaac and Boyd sat opposite Meg and Erica; --boys had their backs facing the cafeteria door— Erica sat over the edge of the bench with one leg over the other and picking at her nails jadedly, Meg was munching on a sandwich while Boyd ate his usual bag of Doritos and Isaac drank from a bottle of water.

“I can’t believe you still haven’t shifted, how can you not get angry?” Isaac inquired directing his question at Meg.

“I don’t know I just never had a reason to.” Meg answered after gulping down her bite before taking another; Erica glanced over her shoulder at the dark haired teenager with a look of complete resentment in her eyes.

Caution, Purpose and Faith '-'-'-' A Derek Hale Story'-'-'-'Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant