"Give me your velocity, or your city pays. You have one hour." Kara tries to hit him, but he was so fast, he moved to another place

"You're not fast enough to stop me." he then went to the exit

"None of you are. Death will rain down on your city, Flash. And next, it will be yours, Supergirl. Unless you give me what I want. chose wisely." he sped away, and Kara flies to try and catch him.

"Kara!" Barry yelled going to the door. Minutes later Kara arrived trying to catch her breath

"I almost had him... I just-I just wasn't fast enough."

"You tried, and that's what matters," he said hugging her, but he was still pissed that nothing was working

"I'll try and work on the speed force, if you want you can stay or you can-"

"Do you really think I will leave you alone?" she said, making him slightly smile, then the two of them went to speed lab

STAR Labs, Speed Lab

Barry was writing on the whiteboard some equations, while Kara was sitting down, wishing she had paid attention to the chemistry class when she was a child so she could help him. Of course she came from a planet where this equation would be a piece of cake, but that was when she was thirteen years old, most of the things she learned there she already forgot about the half of it. She wants to help, some of the things she barely understands, some others are out of her power.

"I don't think these equations are gonna help fix Roderick that much. Plus, we simply need a better bonding agent." Wells said arriving

"You do that. I'm working on the Artificial Speed Force right now." Wells simply grabbed the cloth and erased half of the things he was writing

"Nash!" Kara said standing up

"Hey, Nash, what the hell? I've been working on these all day." Barry grabbed the cloth from his hands

"You're wasting time. Why?" he said, but he didn't even know what to say, so Nash sighed, not caring for the answer now, since he thought about them not sharing any time, and it would be weird for them to talk about it.

"You don't have to tell me. We don't know each other. You could talk to Joe and Iris... And know Supergirl for the looks of it. But two of the three of them are not here. Whose fault is that?" Nash said now pushing Barry

"Nash..." Kara said

"Whose fault is that?" he said once again pushing him

"It's mine, all right? Is that what you want me to say?" Barry said pushing back and throwing the cloth to the whiteboard, Kara was going to say something but Barry stopped her.

"I'm supposed to lead this team. Now, I-I don't even know what to tell them."

"When I lost Maya... every day since then, I wanted to say, "Hey, listen, I'm sorry. It was my fault." But she's gone. When I was Pariah and I watched my mistake burn down the Multiverse, I wanted to tell those people, "I'm sorry," but they were gone, and it was over. And this is not over for you." he said, making both heroes think about that, Kara doesn't want to lose one of her best friends thanks to Lex. And Barry doesn't want to lose his father figure and one of his best friends thanks to Eva and Carver.

"You can find your way out of this. All you have to do is trust yourself."

"How am I supposed to do that?" Barry asked the same question Kara had

"I just lived with an impostor for five weeks."

"You forgive yourself. You showed me that. Now it's time for you to do it for you. And you know what? If you can't... do it for her. Because it doesn't matter if Joe, Iris, Cisco, or even I believe in you and forgive you. You have to be the one that changes, you have to forgive yourself before forgiving anyone." he said pointing to Kara, they slightly smiled at the other.

"Without you, it feels like..." he said to Kara when he realized something

"That's a face when you have an idea..." Kara said

"I know why Hartley's world is over," he said looking at the two, as he starts to walk away he says

"Stay here, I need a private moment with him," he said to Kara who slightly nodded

"And... Thank you, Nash," he said walking away. Kara and Nash had a tense silence... Until he started to talk

"You know I don't have to tell you the same thing I told him right?" he said

"I know... It's just... I have a friend that I love her so much, she has been with me in the good and bad times. but I wasn't really confident to tell her I was Supergirl... And her brother told her about my secret identity... She finished hating me and working with her brother. And... I'm blaming myself for that, because if I had told her about me being Supergirl I would've made a catastrophe, like me dying, or her and other innocents, or the weirdest one being her a becoming villain cyborg without feelings and a Kryptonite on her chest..." she said, confused Nash saw her on disbelief

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"I have been the Pariah and created the Crisis, I'm pretty sure I can believe you..." he said bringing a chair so she can sit

"Tell me, why would you not trust yourself and I will tell you why I didn't trust and forgave myself until I came here..." she sat on the chair

"Where do I start..." she said, while Nash smiling crossed his arms. 'It's time for me to finally help the heroes...' he thought

Superflash: Destiny Where stories live. Discover now