Chapter 1. Hating you

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I awoke in the girls Gryffindor dormitory, quickly standing up from the bed. I noticed the clouds caving in around the castle through one of the many bedroom windows. I got dressed, and slid my Robe on as I ran to catch up with Hermoine downstairs in the common room.

"ready to eat breakfast?"

"Yes.. maybe not as much as Ron is I suppose"

hermoine replied giggling as we walked down the stairs towards the great hall . I started humming loudly enough for Her to show a smile "oh my Harrison, what has gotten you into a happy mood this cloudy morning?", "I'm just more happy than average" I replied. We finally reached downstairs continuing our conversation. I looked away from Hermoine, until I fel her hand grab my wrist, bringing us at a halt.

In curiosity I looked in the direction she was facing, and saw Draco walking toward us. "what does Malfoy want?" She asked. I gripped the strap of my bag as He stopped in front of us "being cheerful this morning, aren't we, Harrison?".He looked down at me, his devilish grin appeared on his pale lips. In honest truth he was so handsome in his Slytherin Robe while his blonde hair fell to his face. Yet it was easy to distinguish how bright his blue eyes were due to the paleness of his skin."Excuse us Malfoy, but we have somewhere to be" I said as I grabbed hermoine's arm and walked past him. "What was that about?" Hermoine asked. I shrugged because I didn't know myself. I turned my head back to him and his gaze and stance was faced towards us. He stood there joyfully with his hands in his pockets.

Harry and Ron were already seated as Hermoine and I joined the Gryffindor table. I sat next to Harry as we exchanged good mornings while Hermoine and Ron chatted away in front of us. "Serena are you alright?" Harry asked."Yes, I'm fine Harry" He smiled, and we began eating our breakfast. I caught Draco glimpsing at me as Pansy was conversating with him. After we all finished eating, I grabbed my bag and belongings. I noticed that the trio was walking out the great hall so I attempted to quickly follow them. I looked around through the groups of people heading to class but was unable to see the three of them due to the large amount of students hurrying their way to class.

I felt a hand grab my arm, and assuming it was Harry I turned around with a smile plastered on my face. instead I was staring up at Draco. "You're going to be late to class if you keep looking for your friends" he said, and without a reply he started dragging me to potions class. "Malfoy, I can walk!!" I shouted. He ignored me, making me frustrated. We both have a height difference meaning he walks more quicker than I do causing me to constantly trip. I pushed him away from me once we reached slug horns classroom."What is your deal? may I remind you we aren't friends anymore" I said, giving him a disgusted look. Before he could reply, I walked away from him and into potions class. Hermoine was sitting down at our table, as she conversated with Ron.

I sat down beside her, as both of their attention was directed to me. "Look who finally showed up"Ron spoke out, "yeah, sorry I took long"I replied, fixing my robe. I placed my bag down beside me. While Professor slughorn kept discussing today's lesson my mind shifted to Draco.He was acting weird than usual these past weeks, which was odd since he decided we were no longer friends during the first year of us attending Hogwarts. Assuming it was because the differences of houses it had angered me and I soon found myself to hate him almost completely . We avoided each other as if we were strangers, and when we'd talk to each other it always resulted with an argument.

Before I knew it an hour and a half passed by making class over. I shoved my materials in my bag as everyone had left except for Draco and Pansy. They kept chatting away as if I wasn't in the room. I kept eyeing them and saw Pansy pecking him on the lips. Gross. I put the bag strap over my shoulder and ran out of the room before they both looked at me. Ron was already waiting for me in the halls anxiously. "Where's Hermoime?" Ron looked at me as we started walking down the hall. "Oh she went to the library to study, of course" he rolled his eyes making me giggle. "Look at weaslebee and Harrison, perfect for each other since they're both Blood Traitors" Draco teased as he walked past us.

Ron and I were both pure bloods, and I didn't see it as me being higher than everyone else. To me the word "pure bloods" and "Mud Bloods" were both just taunting words. No one was different from another, but Draco wouldn't understand, why would he... Ron and I both looked at each other knowing how much we didn't see each other in that aspect. We both departed as he went into Charms class, and I headed to Herbology. I walked around the hall to see Draco upset, staring out a window. I mean I've always seen him upset since he was all the time but not like this. He was bothered or in which I assumed was jealousy do to the upset look on his face. His hands were gripping the railing from the wall.

But Draco Malfoy, I mean Draco Malfoy Jealous? Not something I've seen since we were children. I tried to walk past him quietly so I wouldn't have to hear him say a rude comment or just being, you know, himself. I had actually almost done it, I mean walking past him without him knowing. Until a paper fell out of my bag making a swishing motion as it fell to the floor. Draco turned to me, and I felt myself turning pale. He ignored me by looking away, and I grabbed my paper. "Serena you're such a fool" he snickered. of course he had to open his mouth. "Shut your mouth Malfoy" he turned literally running my way and I felt myself stepping back. But all he did was stop in front of me glaring directly into my face. Why wasn't there anyone near? I needed saving before this man slaughtered me and probably would dump my body near the whomping willow. "Never talk to me like that, You filthy Blood traitor." He spat. I repeated the words in my head as it stung. He only said this because my parents were both Slytherins, while my sister and I were Gryffindors. They didn't treat us any less though, and they still cared. Well before they died anyways. Our parents were friends with Malfoy's parents, and I grew up with him since I could recall; so it was a surprise when Draco just decided to end our friendship.

He looked at me upsettingly. "you have no authority to say that to me Draco..." He turned around and walked away from me. He was so cruel and vile, and I never wanted him in my life again. "I despise you Malfoy!" I shouted while my face was full of anger. I was a pathetic Gryffindor, an embarrassment to the Harrison Family; is what I'd tell myself. But all I wanted was comfort.

But I didnt realize it was his comfort I wanted.

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