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𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒 felt dry even though they were red, and I felt bare even though I had layers of expensive silk on

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𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒 felt dry even though they were red, and I felt bare even though I had layers of expensive silk on. 

I could feel Soo-Won's presence next to me as we walked together towards two thrones. I swallowed, and schooled my face into an expressionless one, not letting any of my nervousness show. I don't bother turning to look at my soon to be husband. 

Eventually, we reach where a High Priest stood, a table with Sake in front of him. He pours some onto one cup, and hands it to me first. In tradition, the one with the closer tie to the previous King drank from the cup first, so I take it and sip. The bittersweet liquid goes down my throat easily, which doesn't go unnoticed by Soo-Won. No matter, I quit drinking long ago. I see him turn slightly to me with a frown. 

I pass the cup to him while staring straight ahead, and he drinks from where I previously sipped. And that was it. We were now husband and wife, wife and husband, until the day we die.

Next was the coronation ceremony. Both of us went on our knees in front of the gold and intricately patterned thrones, head bowed. The same priest takes one crown and places it on my head, then places another on Soo-Won's. We both stand up, turn to the crowd below us full of civilians and nobles, and recite an oath that was ingraved in my memory since long ago.


When we are both alone again, I feel like I can finally breathe. 

"Come." I say to Soo Won, beckoning him towards me. "Let us sleep." I lead him towards the bedroom we now share, and gesture for him to lie down. 

I sit in front of the vanity, taking off my accessories. 

"Why do you not hate me?" My husband broke the silence, looking up at the ceiling while on the bed.

"Why would I? You did me a favor." When I finished, I slowly take off the layers of clothing I had on, slipping them off one by one. Soo Won doesn't take his eyes off the ceiling. 

"I killed somebody. Am I not a monster in your eyes?" He asks. His voice sounds monotone, his tone dull.

"I have killed many people in my life, dear husband. A blubbering, fat old fool who was leading the kingdom to ruin is not needed on the throne." Hearing this, the man stares at my bare back as I change into a nightgown. 

"You have killed people?" I look back at him over my shoulder, studying his expression. He looked like he pitied me...but was that also relief in his eyes? 

"You are relieved? That you are not the only murderer on the throne? If it makes you feel better, the man you killed was also a killer. You could justify your actions. I, on the other hand...well, I can't say I regret it." I answer, turning back towards the wall.

I hear a rustling behind me, and the soft pattering sounds of bare footsteps. Soo Won circles his arms around my waist, placing his chin on my shoulder. I can feel his heartbeat through my back.

"You are so cold...like ice that forms in winter..I have confessed my love for you, yet you have not confessed your love for me. Does my pain not affect you in any way?" He almost sounds like he is begging. 

I smirk beneath my sleeve. I like it.

"I'm afraid, your majesty, that I have no time to love. Not when this kingdom is in such a bad state. Perhaps, I love you. But affection, and sentiment...that is a treat enjoyed behind closed doors, no?" 

Instead of his arms retracting like I had thought they would, he tightens his hold. 

"No. If you love me..if you feel even an ounce of love for me...please, give me affection. Give me a tenderness you would not show to others. Even outside. And in return, I will give my absolute devotion, loyalty, intimacy, and attentiveness. I will give you friendship. Please." 

I lick my lips at his plea, enjoying his tone of submission. Why should kings be the dominant one? No, it will be the queen in this reign.

"Who knew the great king could be like this? Does my lack of reaction pain you so terribly?...Very well. Now, your majesty, we have many matters to attend to in the morning, so let us sleep." 

I pry off his vice like grip, and pull him towards the bed. "Do not act childishly-" I say, when I see Soo Won pout as I get up to leave when he is finally lying down. "I am only getting some more blankets." 

I say some, but I bring ten more, piling them one by one on top of my husband.

"S-Sara...Its heavy..." I ignore him, piling the last two on. Then, stepping back, I nod while admiring my handiwork. A mountain of fluff. 

3rd POV

Although the mountain of blankets were killing him, Soo Won just couldn't tell his wife to take them off. She was too cute.

At the moment, she sat next to him, thinking he was asleep. She had reading glasses perched on her nose, and a packet of paperwork on her lap with a pen in the other. A lamp sat next to her, casting a glow on her beautiful face and her work.

He shifted, which was a mistake, because all the blankets came tumbling down, startling both the queen and himself. 

"Oh my, did I wake you up?" She clicked her tongue, putting her work to the side. "Why are you not asleep?" The king asked, deciding not to tell her that he had been awake the whole time. 

"I have some things I needed to finish. There was a complaint made by a farmer, and I wanted to answer him fairly. But never mind that, go back to sleep my dear." Sara was the type of person who couldn't rest until the whole thing was finished. She couldn't just leave the paper half written and expect to sleep well.

Soo Won knew that, having been childhood friends with her. But sometimes, he worried. 

Putting his head on his wife's lap, he gazed up into her eyes. "I love you." He said bluntly, watching her reaction.

"As do I, my dear. Now go to sleep."

Not even a blink, not even a flinch. She wasn't lying but she also wasn't completely returning the phrase. Was he overthinking? Or was that a flicker of sadism in her dark eyes? 

Sara of the 𝕊𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥Where stories live. Discover now