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"𝐖𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 meet General Geun Tae in a few days

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"𝐖𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 meet General Geun Tae in a few days. Are you ready?" Sara asked one day, gazing at her husband who sat across from her filling out a stack of documents.

"Of course. He is quite troublesome, and it would be best to overpower and tame him. Wouldn't you agree, my love?" Soo-Won looked up, smiling at her.

"Quite. Your acting skills are excellent, if I say so myself. Although sometimes I wonder...if you are truly faking your kindness and your slight naivety." She added, sweat dropping at the king, who sat sparkling in happiness at his wife's praise.

He stood up, walking towards Sara and sitting next to her. He took her hands in his own, looking into her dark purple eyes.

"My happiness and emotions are genuine around you, my queen. Especially my love for you." He stated.

The woman's face twisted involuntarily into a disgusted one.

"Sara! You promised you'd be nice and at least pretend to love me!" Soo-Won whined, rubbing his wife's hands on his cheek. He realized they were not soft, as you'd expect of a queen, but calloused and tough, thanks to years of training and forced labor. He silently cursed the former Emperor in his mind.

"Sorry. I do love you, you know, it's just I don't know how you aren't embarrassed." She said bluntly.

"But you looove it."

"I suppose so. Off to work now." The woman rolled her eyes at his childish antics, gathering the scrolls she was studying and heading to her room.


"How beautiful." Sara breathed, as she stepped off the carriage with the help of Soo-Won. 

"Isn't it?" General Geun Tae said proudly, looking up at his castle.

"Hm? Oh, I was talking about your wife. She is ethereal. In fact, I think that I'd like to have some tea with her, in private." The queen took the blushing Yun-Ho's hand and dragged her off. "You two can talk somewhere else." She called behind her. 

"Oh dear." Soo-Won chuckled, covering his mouth with his sleeve. "I'm afraid my wife has kidnapped yours." 

"It-its fine. Anyway, should we head inside?"


"This tea is heavenly." Sara complimented, as she sipped from the tea cup elegantly. "Did you brew it yourself?"

"Y-yes! Thank you very much my lady. I also grow it myself on a plantation behind the castle!" Yun-Ho replied quickly. 

"May I see it later?"

"O-of course!"

"You know my dear, I think that selling the tea leaves would be extremely beneficial to you." The queen said after a pause of silence.

"B-become a tea merchant my lady?" 

"Precisely. The people will love this tea, I'm sure. You could trade this tea with other kingdoms as well."

"T-that is an excellent idea my lady!" Yun-Ho replied in excitement, her eyes sparkling. "I am extremely honored by your suggestion!" 

"I am glad to hear that. And my dear, if it because too tiresome to deal with your husband, you are welcome to have tea with me at Hiryuu palace. In fact, I shall invite you as often as I can." Sara smiled warmly. 

Yun-Ho blushed a furious red, and she bowed many times, making Sara sweatdrop. "T-thank you very very much!"

"I shall be waiting. Now, can you lead me to the plantation?"


"Ah, husband." Sara said, as soon as she entered the garden. There stood Soo-Won and Geun Tae. "It seems you had the same idea as I."

"Sara! And Ms. Yun-Ho! Hello!" The king called in excitement, waving his hands. 

Geun Tae sweatdropped at the visible difference between the two rulers, and scratched his head. Perhaps he should have been talking with the queen instead of the child like king. 

"Hello, lady. You must be proud of your husband. Did you know he was able to take down the pirate, Yam Kun Ji, in Awa Port?" The general asked immediately. 

Soo-Won snapped his head towards the man in surprise. He hadn't told his wife about his secret adventure, and the fact that he had met Yona there. Gulping, he looked at Sara, who stood with a dark look in her eye. 

Geun Tae frowned at the silence, wondering what was wrong. 

"I didn't know. That is quite a feat. I'll be sure to congratulate my husband later at home." The queen spoke in a monotone manner, scaring Soo-Won. 

I'm screwed. He thought to himself, gazing at Sara with apologetic eyes. 

Sara of the 𝕊𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥Where stories live. Discover now