Gaia's wrath

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The strong wind, mixed with heat and sand, had almost completely worn away the improvised wooden huts that once stood here. Sand dunes blocked most of the entrance doors which were mostly just remnants of the huts and now led into the void. Barren, desolate grassy landscape stretched around the former village as far as the eye could see.

A gloved hand gently stroked one of the remaining door frames. The small drawing, which was barely recognizable and which was obviously drawn with a chalk-like pen, revealed a small cat. Apparently it was drawn by a child who once lived here. It was a small miracle that this drawing had lasted so long under these conditions. The man's fingers ran gently and thoughtfully over the picture until someone called his name.

"Jungkook, have you found something useful yet?"

"Here is nothing but sand and useless wood!" the man called Jungkook called back.

Jungkook averted his gaze from the small drawing and went to a man clad in thick leather. The man flipped up the black vizier of his helmet to better see Jungkook. The protective clothing this man wore, not only served to withstand unpredictable weather conditions, but was also intended to protect against creatures.

It was the year 37 after Gaia's awakening. Any other way of specifying the year had become unimportant. It was 37 years ago that Gaia, our own mother earth, turned against us. Gaia was once the name with which the mother earth was associated, which gave us fertile earth and brought us a variety of plants and animals. Up until 37 years ago, this belief had hardly been paid much attention to and many people had never heard the name Gaia before. But one day a well-known television station reported that a strange substance appeared all over the world. This substance was able to mutate animals and plants at breakneck speed. But it soon became clear to all of us that this substance was our downfall.

The substance spread unstoppably all over the world. It just burst out of the ground and let everything it touched mutate. In the beginning, neither humans, animals nor plants survived the touch of the so-called "tears". Various churches and beliefs believed that the strange substance was the tears of Gaia who wanted to take revenge on the world and humanity. The people had ruined and polluted the world for too long and within a very short time the big cities of the world were totally devastated by Gaia's tears.

Nature took back what belonged to it with all might and showed no mercy. People who came into contact with Gaia's tears mutated and died a horrific death. As soon as someone was infected with the tears he was considered highly contagious and was banished from the cities by society or even killed immediately. It only took a few years for mankind to be almost completely exterminated. The big cities now resembled great jungles and forests, under whose lush green the remnants of the cities they once were slept.

The last people fled the big cities and tried to protect themselves from the dangerous substance in small villages. They lived there now and tried to survive. It was as if mankind had been thrown back hundreds of years. Electricity was a rarity in many villages and food always had to be allocated well. The big cities that housed important and rare resources had become so dangerous that nobody dared to enter them. Populated by wild, mutated animals and plants, entering one of the big cities was almost equivalent to suicide.

The so-called collectors were the only ones who dared to go into the cities to look for material that they could sell in the villages. However, the collectors were always met with skepticism, as many people were afraid they might be tempted with Gaia's tears. Most of the collectors died very young because the dangers outside of the villages were simply too great. But those who managed to survive were also feared because of their strength and cunning. Jungkook and his six brothers never wanted to become collectors. But they had no other choice. They were born in absolute poverty and did not have enough to eat when Jungkook's three eldest brothers left the safe village for the first time to look in the abandoned cities for things to sell for money.

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