Bruce intervened out of nowhere. No one had even seen him come in. A trail of chills ran down Loki's back as he stood in the middle of the room. The memory of the 'puny God' is even more than vivid, but he knows how innocent he can be in his human form. "Hello, Bruce," he said. He had immediately backed away, taking off his glasses and turning towards his friends. "What is he doing here, and more importantly, why are you listening to him?".

However, he was the only one who was able to help with the matter, with the help of Tony Stark, who was babbling about how they could rely on a so-called... Doctor Strange? They couldn't have chosen a better name, according to him. He decided he could have trusted them, not least because he didn't have any other choice.

Knowing that they were more than willing to help him, in spite of everything, turned out to be more than curative for his nervousness incredibly beyond the stars.

Even Stephen Strange could not explain how it was possible that fate had entrusted him, Loki himself, with a flesh and blood soulmate, and not a three-headed monster with murderous instincts. And yet. He was able to give very good answers. He talked for hours about multiverse, time travel, portals. I mean, couldn't Heimdall have helped me? What kind of magic was he using?

He said that he got to know him thanks to the news that was on television after his arrival on earth. At that statement, Loki had raised his eyes to heaven, asking once again not to repeat it because he really did not see the need to bring back certain unpleasant memories. He had simply raised an eyebrow, disagreed, kept silent immediately afterwards.

They worked together, with magic and machinery, in an attempt to make something work. Sometimes they even managed to laugh together, contrary to what each of them could imagine. Loki can also swear that he heard Bruce say from his mouth, "Your brother isn't so bad when he's not trying to kill the entire human population," to Thor, who had burst into a noisy laugh, happy to see his brother getting along with what had become his best friends.

Probably hours went by without them even realizing it. The sky was now dark over New York City, illuminated by the lights of the huge skyscrapers looming over the people as if they were giants with priceless power over everyone. He too could feel small compared to those buildings when he approached the living room window for a short break.

He would have wished for a simpler future. Not that he wasn't willing to fight and really try them all so that he could meet what was supposed to be his half, but why did everything have to be difficult for him?

Meanwhile, on another planet...

Loki swore that he would do his best to find a remedy for that situation, and you said to trust him. Because you could trust him, right? Why wouldn't you? It's not like you had a choice. You were bound together forever. There was no way to choose another, closer soul. Or rather, in your own universe. Besides, he seemed genuinely into everything. Why think about it for so long? Stop ruining everything!

You still had to get used to the idea that, indeed, your soulmate was not only a God, but above all, one of those characters that you had admired and loved for years, thinking that you would never, ever get the chance to know them. You begin to believe that maybe whoever had the reins of destiny was too tired to continue to hear you blather on about him. You burst into a big laugh just thinking about it. Did you talk so much about superheroes?

"Will you pay attention to me?" someone says. You jump in your chair, scared. You'd almost forgotten that you actually had homework to do. You were too busy getting lost in your own thoughts to pay attention to numbers and formulas. But you decide to lie. "I was trying to do my homework, but it's okay...", you whispered, almost bored. But you both know you're joking, and what's more, it was a good excuse not to continue studying. You could have taken a little break once in a while. Even though you hadn't even started to put your pen on the paper. But this is just a small detail that you can also avoid mentioning.

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