The Accident

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"Lee Yeonseo, come here you brat!!"  a boy in his twenties started chasing his significant other around the small apartment they live in. "Well that's what you get for not giving me attention Lee.Min.Ho" Yeonseo shouted back before collapsing onto the couch that was located in the small living room they have, it is small alright but to her it is big enough to call home because wherever Minho is, it's her home. He's her home.

"Give me my phone back" Minho started tickling Yeonseo trying to get the location of his phone that was hid by his girlfriend "N-no , unless you promise to give me all your attention." Yeonseo stated, being out of breathe after running for 10 minutes.

They were the sweet couple everyone adored. Minho was a well known chief , while Yeonseo being only 17 which is also younger than Minho by 5 years ,was still a student. Yeonseo was born as an orphan , from what she knows is her mother died giving birth to her,while her father suicide after knowing his wife was dead.

Love, a thing that can make human miserable but no one seemed to regret being in Love.

Love can be dangerous but they didn't care.

Love can make humans a mess but they'll be someone's favourite mess.

Yeonseo moved in with Minho after the lady that took care of her was murdered.

~ Flashback ~

Yeonseo was walking back from school, she was heading to the orphanage that she called home. She was the only orphan left there but she was glad, the lady, Miss Kim treated her like her own. Yeonseo was happy as she got an excellent result in her exams, she couldn't wait to let Miss Kim know. But nothing goes in the way we wanted.

Opening the door of the house of Miss Kim , she made her way in while calling out for the owner. She went to check the kitchen but still didn't see Miss Kim anywhere, she searched everyroom of the house but Miss Kim is still nowhere to be seen. Walking to the only place that she haven't search yet, the backyard. She pushed the slidding door aside only be met with a pool of blood with a women in the middle and that women is the women that raised her , that teaches her , that loves her. Yeonseo didn't scream or cry as she was stuck, not knowing what to do.

Finally she ran to the neighbors house and started shouting "Uncle Park, Uncle Park, Uncle Park" upon hearing her shouts neighbors that live around her started coming out of their houses to see what happened. After some time she finally could let out words except for 'Uncle Park' the said man when to check what happened and saw the dead body of Miss Kim.

They called for police and knowing Yeonseo couldn't stay at the orphanage alone anymore they decided to find her a home. This is the neighborhood she cherished, even though she's an orphan , no one treated her wrongly they loved her.

Yeonseo was just a mere 15 year old , of course the police couldn't let her be alone as they won't know when or will the murderer come back to kill her. Minho was the only one who doesn't live with his family and because of him being the chief , Yeonseo was forced to move into his house for her safety and her mental health.

Love happened to them.

Love was created between them.

~End of Flackback~

The said happy couple was of course, happy. Was. Being together made them feel strong it may be cliché but they fell in love just after a week Yeonseo moved in.

Being together for 3 years already, they planned to get married after Yeonseo turns 18.

But we all know, nothing goes in the way we wanted.


"I promise to go home after work okay? Thanks for the lunch, baby."Minho thanked his girlfriend that visited him at his workplace. Almost every officers knows Yeonseo. "I'll wait for you. What do you want for dinner?" Yeonseo asked standing up preparing to leave his office "Anything you cook is delicious" Minho stated while walking over to Yeonseo for a sweet little goodbye kiss. "Stay safe and be careful" He reminded her, as the obedient girlfriend Yeonseo is, she nodded .

Walking out the police station, Yeonseo was happy after seeing Minho. He is a drug,He is her drug. She is addicted to him and will never stop. Along the way she stopped by to say her farewells to Minho's colleagues which is also her new friends she made.

Crossing the road,she felt something was about to happen, something wrong...

~Minho POV~

Right after Yeonseo left I went back to eating the lunch box she packed for me.  I turned to look at the computer that's ontop of my work desk just to see Yeonseo's phone next to it.

I took it and went to look for her, eventually I saw her across the road.


~End of Minho POV~

Upon hearing her name,Yeonseo turned to only see her boyfriend calling her name from across the road.

The only thing that's stoping her to run to her boyfriend's warm embrace is the road. When the light turned red which means people can cross the road safely,   she saw her boyfriend walking to her.

It was supposed to be safe.

It was supposed to be fine.

When Minho was in the middle of the road, about to run to his girlfriend, a car came.

A car that ended everything.

A car that ended their story.

A car that made their ending unhappy.

A car that took her world away.

A car that took her boyfriend away.

That Accident.

"Minho!!"Yeonseo shouted running to the body that has already fall to the ground. Her boyfriend, in the middle of the road , in the middle of a pool of blood , his blood.

He was now gone.

From her life.

"Yeonseo-shi, I got the flour" Jinseo, the wife of Dongpil. Dongpil is one of Minho's colleague. They have been supporting Yeonseo since the day Minho left.

"Help me put it on the counter please" Yeonseo shouted while mixing stuffs in the kitchen of the small bakery located in the town they live. "Let's talk." Jinseo said, standing at the doorframe looking at the girl. " Sure I'll put this in the freezer" Yeonseo replied, smiling at the older.

Both of them proceed to the table that is near the big window. "What is it about?" Yeonseo asked curious on why did the older girl seemed nervous.

"We found him."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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