~Sayaka x Mukuro~

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[A/N: Sorry I haven't written awhile with school and stuff so I hope this makes up for it (*^ワ^*) ]

I always follow Junko. Junko always had a plan. Junko always knew what to do. I didn't. She may be the younger sister, but I'm nothing compared to her. I was just there to help. I knew from the start that I didn't have a place in this world. Junko made sure I knew. But that never bothered me. I knew what to do. That was because Junko always had a plan. And I always follow Junko.

Junko's plan was fool-proof. Get into Hope's Peak High. Gain followers. Tear the school apart from the inside out. That was the plan. I knew never to deviate from Junko. She knew exactly what had to be done and how to do it. I knew to follow her.

When it came to the Killing School Life, she also had a plan. I was to go into the killing game, dressed and acting as Junko. According to Junko, there was no other way. I guess I just wasn't good enough for the students. That didn't bother me. I knew that Junko would always figure things out. After that, after the first killing, I was going to rebel against her. As an example. I would be separated from the students for a little bit, just in time for the class trial, and then I would continue to act as a mole.

Nothing could mess the plan up. It was just up to me. It was up to me to do everything correctly. In our years at Hope's Peak Academy, nothing could mess up her plan. Nothing could get in my way. Nothing could make me ever want to deviate from Junko. I knew what had to be done. I was not going to change my mind. But when we entered the school, little did I know something might mess up her plan. Or rather, my plan.
Junko and I met at the airport. Junko, being her usual self, immediately insulted me upon arriving.

"Oh my god sis, can you at least try a little bit?" She said, obviously rhetorical.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"That outfit! It's awful." She said, crossing her arms.

I looked down at what I was wearing. I suppose it wasn't great in Junko's eyes, but it was practical to me, being the Super High School Level Solider.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"Stop saying your sorry and just fix yourself already!" I suppose she's right. All I did do was apologize. I didn't see the problem with my outfit, but if Junko did, there was obviously a problem.

Junko continued talking, but to herself. Going over her plans in a third person perspective. She did this from time to time. As if she was the protagonist of a TV show.

"Oh Junko." I say. I wish I could be like her.

Junko quickly grabbed my wrist and lead me out the door with her bags in hand, leaving me scrambling to grab my stuff. As we exited the spinning doors something caught my eye. Ribbons of blue hair stream across my vision. Suddenly something hit the back of my knees, causing my knees to fold, and me to fall on my back.

"Aagghh!" I scream as my back hits the pavement.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" A sweet voice says. I look up to see where this voice was coming from. Standing in front of me was a young girl. My age. She was wearing a pink dress with white detailing. She also had pink and white striped socks that went a little bit past her knees. She has long blue hair. That must've been what blinded me before I fell.

"Oh, it's not a big deal." I say, dusting myself off and attempting to gather my things. I look back up at her to see an arm outstretched in my direction. The girl was holding her hand out, trying to help me up. I paused.

In my childhood, I never had friends. I had Junko. Junko was my only friend. As if she would let me have other friends. Junko never helped me up. If I fell, it was up to me to get back up. She would just stand there and stare at me until I got up. I suppose others would see that as some form of cruelty towards me, but it never bothered me. I think it was just Junko training me to be strong. I suppose that helped me get where I am today.

I grabbed her hand, and she hoisted me up. I turned around to grab my bag and as I turned back around I noticed the girl staring at me. I stared back at her. We bother stood on the sidewalk, just staring at each other for a few minutes.

"Ok, break it up, lovebirds!" Junko exclaimed, moving us apart with her arms.

"I wasn't- I-" I stutter, blushing. I look over at the other girl, who is also blushing.


"Come on loser." Junko pulls me into the limousine she prepared.

We sit down and Junko tries to make conversation with me. Knowing Junko's true nature, I watch her, sensing danger. She quickly turns around and reaches for an ice pick from a bucket.

She quickly stabs the pick directly to my face. Using my hand, I block her as she tries to stab me with the thing over and over.

Typical Junko.

She throws a grenade, seemingly out of nowhere, that I quickly throw out the window, only to hit the car behind us.

She sits back down and goes back to her true self. The insults flood in.

"Oh my god, could you like take a bath for once in your life." She says.

"Hm? I bathe." I say calmly, in direct conflict with Junko's statements.

She moves her self further down the seat, not even paying attention to me.

"Why'd you call me here in the first place?" I ask.

Junko then explains herself. Hope's Peak is letting us in. Or the way Junko tells it, she dragged me along. Knowing Hope's Peak's nickname, the High School of Hope, I could sense Junko's plans from a mile away.


~1055 words~

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