Chapter 4

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I woke up in a really comfortable state. When I looked, there were bottles and stuff everywhere. What happened? I sat up and my head started to spin. Suddenly I'm being lifted in some strong arms.I held my head. "Ugh…" I groan. I then had a body come on top of me. I looked up but my vision was blurry. They took my wrist and it felt like a blade was dragged across it. I felt blood ooz out. I yelped. Then they started wrapping it up. "Please…Help." I say. "No one's gonna help you." They said. They got off and walked at least 7 feet away. I tried to get up I felt restraints. "Please." I begged. I heard light chuckling. "Man. I love you right now." They said face to face with me now. I turned my head as I felt my eyes well up. I think my eye throbbing. "Let me go. I'll give you anything you want." I say. I heard shuffling a strong odor hit me. No. Its gas!

"Please…" I begged. Their breath brushed against my cheek. I turned my head as the tears started to flow. "Give me my family." They said. Family? Ross. I could tell he was mad. "Now tell me where my family is." He said. "I'm sorry. I don't any of those things. I'm a normal, teenage girl with no special priviledges. I just want to live me life out." I say. I felt something moist. "Ross please". I say. "How do you know my name!?" He asked. He took of the restraints. I quickly got up. I wiped my face and little vision returned. "Please." I dropped to my knees. He forcefully picked me up and dragged me to another room. "I'm gonna send him a message." He said. My dad? "Come here." He said pulling me in by surprise. I pounded on his chest. He picked me up. More restraints and next thing I know, I  have a huge machine  right about me. It was a cutter.

I screamed. "No please." I say. He turned it on and it was slowly coming towards me. "Until he calls this will coming down on you". He smirked and walked out. "Wait! Please! I'll join you! Don't kill me!" I yelled. The turning blades were coming closer. The door swung open and he walked back in. "What the hell!?" He asked. "Help please!" I begged. "You did this to me!" I shouted. "What!? I don't know you. What are you doing in my work shop?" He asked. "Workshop!? You just put me in here a second ago! Let me go!" I say. "Watch it! Princess." He smirked. Oh my. Please someone help me. Just then something was thrown towards us. It was a bomb. He quickly jumped and climbed on over. It was something with really bad ordor. He took me under. I was fading slowly.
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