Anakin glared at Rex then relaxed his expression, "Well I was going to call it in, but then I realized that it wouldn't go over well,"

"And leaving him for people to find is better?"

".... well no...."

"So call it in,"

"Wow, a captain giving orders to a general, didn't think that would happen,"

Rex crossed him arms.



Ahsoka was staring at a data pad and tapping her foot impatiently, "Cody are you done yet?"

"Almost," Cody replied over his shoulder.

They were talking to the clones on board about certain things, Ahsoka interrogated one group, while Cody did the other. Ahsoka finished with hers and had been waiting for a while now for Cody to finish. He just finished talking to a clone and he walked over to Ahsoka, "I haven't found anything suspicious. Have you?"

"No. Not yet. I just hope we don't have an affected clone or two running about."

Cody was about to speak when his com went off, "Sir, there's a few random droids wandering around the Med Bay. Haven't seen 'em before," a clone's voice said.

"Alright, thank you trooper," he disconnected the line, "Maybe it's droids and not clones,"

"Hmm, maybe. Let's go see if we can find them,"

Cody nodded and they jogged toward the Med Bay. As they were jogging, he rounded a corner a little too sharply and clipped his shoulder, causing him to lose his balance and nearly fall over. Ahsoka laughed, "You're about clumsy as Rex,"

"Well we are clones,"

"Yes, you all may look the same, but you act very different from one another,"

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"How would you feel if there were millions of exact copies of Fives or Hardcase?"

"The galaxy would either be in flames or everyone would be joking around about the dumbest things ever,"

Ahsoka smiled, he was right. They made it to the Med Bay and looked around, but there was nothing other than a few clones hanging around, "Seen any droids lately?" Ahsoka asked them.

"There was one that went into there but it was a medical droid. There was another one that went down that left hall,"

"Description?" Cody asked.

"Uh it was a protocol droid and an R2 unit I think," the clone said.

"What color?"


Ahsoka and Cody looked at each other and said at the same time, "Assassin droid,"

Cody drew out his blaster, putting on his helmet, and him and Ahsoka ran down the halls. She ignited her lightsaber when she picked up clanking metal feet and a whirring sound with her lekku and montrals. Just down the hall were the black protocol droid and R2 unit. The droids turned around and suddenly a bunch of guns and missile launches came out of the astromech's head part. The protocol droid pulled out a variety of weapons and aimed them at the Jedi and clone.

Ahsoka ignited her lightsabers and prepared to run to the droids, but the astromech fired a small missile from the turret in its head. The missile twisted and spun in the air. Ahsoka had to think fast otherwise she'd die. She dropped her lightsabers and stuck out her hands, using the Force to stop it from crashing into her and Cody and the wall behind them, "Get out of here!" She commanded Cody.

Cody could see her straining, "I can't!"

She used one hand to quickly shoved him with the Force into a nearby room and she locked the door. Cody got the wind knocked out of him as he landed hard against the floor. He saw the door shut and lock, "Haar'chak!!" He shouted.

Cody tried to get the door open, but a loud explosion erupted and caused Cody to leap back at the sound boom. He leapt just in time, the door came clear off and crashed into the back wall. He covered his ears as an instinct, but it didn't do much. He heard the adrenaline pumping through his body though and he carefully walked over to the hole in the wall. Cody stopped breathing when he saw Ahsoka lying on the ground with dark spots on her clothes and some of her skin singed.

He ran over to her and ripped off his helmet, "Commander!" He shook her trying to get her awake, "Ahsoka are you alright!?" He checked her pulse and found it was spotty and irregular. He looked up and saw a huge and burnt hole in the wall at the end of the hall, "C'mon get up!" But she wasn't moving, "No, argh! Rex's gonna kill me...."

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