Chapter 1: Deku can sing!?!?

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*No one's POV*

Lately, class 1-A has been pretty suspicious of their resident cinnamon roll. He spends way more time in his room than he did in the beginning of the year, and his friends are starting to get worried. It wasn't like the greenette to keep secrets.

Now you can find all of class 1-A in the common room. All but one of the students are there.

"Hey, has anyone seen Deku today?" Asked Uraraka. The rest of them realized that he has been gone all day and one of them has had enough.

"THATS IT!!! IM SICK OF WONDERING WHAT THAT IDIOT IS UP TO!!!!" Yelled Bakugo as he got up from his position on the couch and stomped over to the elevator.

"Bakubro, where are you going!?!?" Kirishima shouted after the ash blond. He also got up to follow him.


Even though most of the class wasn't sure what Bakugo would do once he got up there, they opted to follow him because they also wanted to find out what was going on.

When they got to Deku's room, they saw a piece of paper on the front of his door. Bakugo payed it no mind and proceeded to blast the door of it's hinges.

There was some protested about the entry but they reluctantly stepped inside of the room to find it empty.

"Huh, where is Midoriya?" Denki thought aloud while scratching his head in confusion.

The rest of the group were also thinking this until Kirishima spotted the paper on the door that was now laying flat on the ground.

"Hey guys look at this, Midobro left a note for us." He said. The rest gathered around and looked at Kirishima expectantly as he read the note out loud.

"Hey guys, if you are reading this, it means I am not here right now. All Might has invited me to train with him this weekend and I agreed. Also, please fix the door.
Thanks! Midoriya."

"Well Deku isn't here. Maybe we should look for clues on where they went. We need to talk to him about his behavior." Asui said with a finger on her chin and a thoughtful look on her face.

They all agreed except for Iida because he thought it was an invasion of privacy, and Bakugo, because he is apparently to good to be useful.

"Hey guys, look at this!!" Mina exclaimed as she pulled a chest out of Midoriya's closet.

"What's in there?" Sero asked. " I don't know but we should open it." Mina said. "Maybe it is the reason Midoriya has been so distant." She finished.

Even though she was unsure about it, Momo had let the idiots of the Baku Squad convince her to make a crowbar and Denki used it to break the lock on the chest.

They opened it up and found many CD's. "Did Midoriya make these?" Asked Todoroki, who has been standing off to the side until now.

"Well they all have his name on it, so they must be." Asui said. "Let's listen to them!!!" Mina yelled while jumping up and down.

"Ha! Like that loser can sing!!" Bakugo said unamused by the situation. They all ignored him and brought the chest down to the common room.

Momo made a CD player and set it on the ground. They all took seats on the couches and on the floor.

"I want to pick the first song!!!" Mina shouted. The students agreed and she stared to rummage through the chest for a song.

After a few seconds she pulled out a CD that said "Choke" on the front and popped it into the machine.

After a few moments, the music started up.

"This beat is super manly!!" Kirishima exclaimed as Midoriya's voice began the lyrics.

"Stop. Drop. And drag me into place~ lock the fire escapes~ I'll break your pretty face~

To say they were surprised was an understatement. Deku could sing..... And he could do so VERY WELL.

"Oh, you, clever little things~ you sicophantic teens~ what a precious basket case~"

"The melody is really enjoyable, but the lyrics are a little questionable." Said Asui. The rest of them agreed with her. Little did she know, the lyrics were about to get ALOT more "questionable".

Yeah, yeah~ now shut your dirty mouth~ if I could burn this town~ I wouldn't hesitate, to smile while you suffocate and die~

The group was shocked by what Midoriya had said.

"WHAT THE HELL!?!?" Bakugo screamed. "WHAT KIND OF MUSIC IS THIS!?!?" He yelled.

"Why would Midoriya say something like that!?!? This calls for a stern scolding when he gets back!!!" Iida shouted while moving his hand robotically.

"That would be just fine~ And what a lovely time, that it would surely be, so bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep~

"This isn't even sad, it's just super creepy." Toru announced. They couldn't believe their cinnamon roll had thought up such things on his own.

~You get everything you want~ money always talks~ to the idiot savance~
(Alright just skip to the end because I'm lazy)

When the song finished they said nothing.

"That was pretty good." Todoroki stated. Most of them agree. Even though they lyrics were weird, it was great nonetheless.

"Let's listen to another one!!!" Denki says and runs up to the chest.

914 words
Thank you for reading! And I hope you enjoy the story! Ok my lovlies, byeeeeeeee 😁❤️❤️❤️

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