Chapter 3

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Early morning

Seven people are standing in the middle of the training ground and waiting for Flender. Soon Flender came with a girl wearing a dark red dress and the next moment they saw her, everyone except Tang San froze. Yes she is Tang San's sister Tang Yin. Everyone looks back and forward to Tang San and Tang Yin. Oscar can't help but ask " Xiao San you guys are twins?" Tang San smiled and ignored Oscar, " Sis I thought you won't come." Tang Yin replied, "Oh I have been here since yesterday. I hide because I want to surprise you Xiao San." Tang San happily went and hugged his sister. " Sis, why did you and father suddenly disappear?" Tang Yin became serious and said, "No! We don't. We were always with you. You just don't realize. The reason we left was because we had something to take care of. But we never leave you alone." "Ok. Enough with chit chat. Introduce yourself." Flender warned. "Hello! My name is Tang Yin. Soul level 39. Spirit is a clear sky hammer and twin spirit." Everyone even Flender asked, "What soul level 39? Also world's number one spirit and twin spirit?" Dai Mubai said, "You guys are not normal." Xiao San asked " Sis why didn't you go to school with me back then?" Tang Yin wiped her sweat and answered, "That is because my spirit is unique so I couldn't go with you but am I with you right now am I?" Although Tang San seems to know his sister is lying, he didn't ask anything anymore.

Tang San's pov

It has been three days since we were attending classes in Shrek Academy. Today Oscar broke through to rank 30 and became spirit grandmaster. Sister broke through her rank 40 first but waited for Oscar and me to break through so we could go together. Sister seems to be interested in Ma Hong Jun so she kept messing with him for the past two days. She looks enjoy playing with Ma Hong Jun and she also helped me to break through to rank 30. Currently we are on our way to Star Doulou Forest to get soul rings with Zhao Wuji teacher. It took a whole day to reach the village near star doulou forest. Everyone is exhausted because we were running the whole day but my sister doesn't look tired at all. Sometimes I wonder how much did she practice in order to become like this. We found a restaurant where we also can rest at night. But things don't go as well as we think. "Wone~" someone opens the restaurant door with force. Look at the way they dress, they seem to be students from some academy. "Oh isn't that Cang Hui academy. I thought some strong people came but it is just small dogs who are pretending to be strong." Ma Hong Jun said playfully. "What did you say? Do you want to die?" one of the students from Chang Hui academy said. "Hey are you sure you can kill us?" Da Mu Bai said and continued, "Do you wanna play games? To defeat you guys we only need one person. Do you dare?" The air became cold after he said that. "Oh are you guys going to play? Let me join." Xiao Wu looked happy when she heard something to play. My sister replied, " Ok. Be careful." When did she come beside me? I didn't even notice. Getting permission from sister, Xiao Wu kicked Chang Hui students one after one. Soon Chang Hui school teacher came and challenged us. But he was also kicked by Zhao Wuji teacher. That night, we were really happy about that.

In the next morning

Third person's pov

Early in the morning, Sherk seven and Tang Yin went to Star Doulou Forest. Everyone's on their guard but Tang Yin was relaxed. Ning Rong Rong asked her, " Yin Jie, why are you so relaxed?" Tang Yin replied with a smile, "I have been living in the sun set forest for the past 5 years. Encountering soul beasts is almost everyday. This is nothing new for me." Everyone was surprised when they heard Tang Yin lived in Sun Set forest for the past six years and realized she is only 12 this year which means she has lived there since she was 6. Then they met a soul beast which is suited for Oscar. After Oscar got his soul ring, they searched soul beasts for Xiao San's soul ring. An hour later, they saw a human face spider which is around 4000 years old. Tang Yin helped her brother to get that soul ring. And everyone, even Zhao Wuji looked pale when she killed a soul beast with her clear sky hammer. It is not that she has lots of soul rings. Her use of a hammer is really powerful and her soul ring is yellow, purple and purple which is really unique. When Tang San is absorbing his soul ring, Tang Yin took Xiao Wu to find her soul ring near Tang San because Xiao Wu reached 30. Two hours later, both of them got their soul rings and Tang Yin got a soul ring from the dragon which is over 10000 years old so her soul rings are yellow, purple, purple and black. Xiao San didn't finish absorbing his soul ring even after both girls came back with their new soul rings. Another two hours later, something like the legs of a spider came out from Xiao San back. Everyone looked really worried but Tang Yin told them to calm down. That's made everyone relax. After an hour later, Tang San finished absorbing his spirit ring and Tang Yin taught him how to make his spider spirit bone disappear. After Tang San got his spirit ring, they all returned to Shrek Academy directly without resting. When they returned to their academy, they went straight to bed. They are all tired from hunting spirit rings. Also that day, grandmaster Yu XiaoGang reached Shrek academy. Since Tang San master Xiaogang came, his hell training became eight students.

Eight months later

Everyone reached 30 in these eight months. Right now everyone's spirit power is reached, Xiao San 35, Da Mubai 39, Oscar 34, Ning Rong Rong 33, Zhu Zhuqing 34, Ma Hong Jun 35, Xiao Wu 34 and Tang Yin is 45. In the past eight months, Ma Hong Jun and Oscar practiced really hard because of Tang Yin. In the past eight months, Tang Yin has always practiced with Ma Hong Jun, Oscar and Rong Rong. Because of her help those three can achieve two to three spirit powers. The reason she helps them is simple. Rong Rong and Oscar are supporting spirit masters which are hard to improve spirit power jue to their spirit. But Ma Hong Jun is a fighting type master which is not as difficult as support type, so he can raise his spirit by practicing a lot. But he is so lazy in the past so he has the lowest soul power in the past. The good thing is he always listens to Tang Yin words. That's why in the past eight months he achieved the best result compared with others, his spirit power rose from 29 to 34. It is not easy to raise like that for a normal spirit master. Flender is also happy about Ma Hong Jun becoming like that. They also became so close to each other in the past months. For everyone, Tang Yin is like a mother to them, she always smiles and cares for them, sometimes even Tang San is jealous about that. The combat skill also improved to everyone because in the early four months they were trained to their physical and the last four months they were trained by fighting actual combat Sou Tuo Soul Area (a place where spirit masters fight for money). They fought lots of people and won almost every time. Now they all have silver plates but not Tang San and Tang Yin. They both are gold plates. In Sou Tuo Soul Area, they are famous as shrek seven devil and goddess of Asura. The goddess of Asura name is given by spirit masters to Tang Yin. Because when they fought with Tang Yin they got a murderous area from Tang Ying although she is always smiling. That's how that name happened. And last weak, shrek seven devil fought with empire's strongest term and Shrek seven won. So they were invited by Tain Dou Imperial school. Especially for Tang San but they didn't know that Tang Yin who is called Asura goddess is also from Shrek. They got a report that Clear Sky hammer reappeared in Sou Tuo Soul Area of Soutou city. But they didn't get any information about her. So they had to let go of her but no one knows that she is also a student of Shrek.


Hey guys in the next chapter, the fight between Du Gu Bo and Tang Yin, Tang San is going to happen. I hope to see you guys in the next chapters.

I was reborn as MC twin sister ( soul land)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz