Meet & Greet

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Flashback to before The Date

Hey Ashley, can I talk to for a min?

Ashley :) :
Sure! What's up?"


So I know you and George have been talking a lot in discord and streaming together... but I just got one question?

Ashley :) :

who even are you? that sounds kinda mean but fr... who are you?

Ashley :) :
oh haha! Well im 21, i live in New York for as a literature major .... i don't have many friends here because my home town is in Washington. I just recently started gaming about 4 months ago and ig i was inspired by you and your bestfriends work of minecraft. I started playing and fell in love, I got twitter and twitch and started streaming and I guess just blew up and that's how George found me.

ah fun, how did George find you exactly....?

Ashley :) :
ah.... you see um, i have pretty bad anxiety and watching George's streams calms me down when i'm having an attack... so i messaged him on twitter a couple of times about it and he replied, "Thank you for enjoying the streams, i'm glad i can help you out :)" and i asked him if he'd ever want to stream with me and he said sure! he followed me back the same night. And that's pretty much it

ah sick, well it's nice to actually talk to you or "meet" you for real.

Ashley :) :
Thank you! you as well. Have a good night!
Read 1:27 PM

Flash forward to current time

George's POV:
I've talked to Clay for at least a week straight about flying Ashley down from New York, he doesn't really want to because of covid then we would all be quarantined. I dont get why it matters tho, we never leave the house unless it's for grocery's.

"Clay, please?"
"George I dont know man, what if she's a creepy 59 women who just wants your money?"
"Clay she legit streams, with face cam on."
"So! Could be a recorded thing of someone else like a daughter.... or a..."
"A what?.... Clay?"
"Sorry, uhm just I dont know. I never met her, I dont think Nick has either."
"Well why don't we call him in here?"
"Fine, go get him."


"Oh i've talked to her before! She seems legit."
"What? When have you talked to this girl?"
"Clay look at our texts..."
*Nick shows Clay the texts from Twitter*
"Oh, well then I've never met her."
"Why don't you just let George be happy and fly her out?"

Clay looks at me, then at Nick, his head drops down as he sighs.

"Fine. But I at least expect a good greeting from when she comes. And she's not staying here, she can come here, but not sleep here. Do I have to pay for a hotel George?"
"Uh, I dont know really."
"I'm guessing because she couldn't fly out here by herself."

Clay seems annoyed by this, Nick notices this as well. Nick gets up and leaves Clays room. I sit at the end of the bed as Clay has his arms crossed while scrolling through his phone. His wrapped up in a black hoodie where the hood is around the back of his head. He is also grinning at his phone like he read something upsetting.

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