A Note From Kenslaa <3

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Hi !

First of all, i'd like to thank everyone so much for the love and support you've given me on this fic. It's my baby so please give me some time for development for upcoming stories !!

Second, i'd like to apologize for how long of a wait for chapter 15 to come out. 7 months for one chapter you think, "oh yea they've given up on the story" but honestly, I kept re-writing it so many times. I went through the hardest point of my life writing this chapter and gave myself time to grow mentally before continuing. So, IM SORRY <3

Lastly, i'd like to announce that I DO have more fanfics coming and one that I've been working on is called, "talk 2 me." another DNF fan fiction -I'm not going to say much about it but it is going to hurt a lot to read.


I love you all so hard I'm crying. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, it means the world <3


To Be So Lonely (DNF Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz