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it's saturday, 12 pm, you're scrolling on your phone when you get a call from lev.

" hello?" you croaked, making yourself cringe.
" hi y/n-san!! wanna hang out with me and some friends at xxx mall??" the first year asked on the other line.
" sure, what time?"
" in twenty!"
" ok, i'll meet you there."

you hung up the call to change. rubbing your eyes, you looked through your closet.

" why am i even going out? my best friend is in love with the prettiest girl ever." you said to yourself before shaking the thought away.
" no i need to move on from him!"

finally, you changed into a long sleeve striped polo shirt and a black skirt with beige sneakers.

after you said goodbye to your brother, you began driving to the mall.

as you pulled into the parking lot, you spotted lev's grey hair.

" lev-chan! hey!" you waved, jogging over to him and a group of four other dudes. tall dudes at that.
" hi y/n-san! guys this is y/n, daichi-san's little sister!" lev introduced you to the boys and you gave a nod.

the black haired dude was kuroo, the blonde box hair dude was kenma, the pretty brunette was oikawa and the spikey haired dude was iwaizumi.

" iwaizumi is hot as hell..." you thought, pursing your lips as the six of you walked around.

" soo, y/n-chan! i hear you're on the soccer team?" oikawa asked, putting an arm on the girl.
" yeah and dude! watch your hand! we just met and i don't think sawamura would like you feeling me up." y/n crinkled her nose at the boy who feigned a hurt expression.

" ha! i like this chick!" iwaizumi grinned and high fived y/n, who smiled making the boys blush.

as the day went on, y/n bringing the boys in soccer stores and other shops and the other boys doing the same, it was finally time to go home.

" this was fun! thanks for inviting me, lev-chan." y/n smiled and hugged the tall first year.
" n-no worries, y/n-san!"
" yeah!! we should do this more!" kuroo chimed in, everyone else nodding.

" i'm pretty sure we all have practice after school so how does 3 sound?" iwaizumi asked, the group agreeing.
" oh also, i have a game on wednesday if any of you wanna come, it's no bigg though." y/n shrugged.
" i'd love to come, y/n-chan~!" kuroo and oikawa smiled then glared at the other.

the group of six split and went home themselves.

" hi sawa! what did you do today?" y/n asked when she got home.
" uh nothing really, how about you?"
" hung out with lev. and before you ask, i'm ok. my friends are taking my mind off of the whole thing." you smiled, your brother nodding.

the next few days were great, you and the nekoma and aoba johsai boys hung out almost everyday, going to the mall or riding your bikes around different neighborhoods.

it's now wednesday and your friends informed you that they were coming to your soccer game.

you were excited, you could show lev and kuroo and everyone your skills at the sport!

" y/n! huddle up, the team will be here soon!" your captain called out, snapping you out of your thoughts.
" coming cap'n!" you shouted back, running to where the team was.
" ok this game will determine whether or not we go to the finals, so do your best. you are the best team i have ever been on so, go go karasuno!" he chanted, making the team cheer and get in their starting posititions.

when the game was over, karasuno beating the other school- 3-0, y/n was sipping her water when she was tackled by a big force.

" what the fu-"
" you won!! congrats n/n!!" oikawa cheered making the girl smile.
" thank you, tooru-san." y/n replied as the third year helped her up.

she walked with oikawa to the group of boys and immediately, y/n was incased in a group hug.

" good job, y/n-san!!"
" yeah you did so good, y/n!"
" congratulations, y/n."
" sure you did good but try to beat me in volleyball and see what happens!"

compliments flowed from her friends and y/n felt so happy. her brother congratulated her on the win and so did most of the team. the only people who weren't at the game were kiyoko and noya. or only kiyoko, nishinoya came at the end of the game just in time to see y/n being swept away by the nekoma and seijoh boys.

after the game and y/n said goodbye to her team, her friends took her out to dinner at a nearby diner that her and daichi would go to when they were young.

" i'll have a milkshake and fries please!" y/n said politely to the waitress.
" i'll have the same but a coke instead."
" can i have a burger and fries please?"
" i'll take a chicken sandwich and a iced tea, thank you!"

once their orders came, y/n had to stop herself from shoving all of the fries down her throat at once.

" c'mon man, try it! i swear to god, it's good!" you were currently trying to get lev to dip one of his fries in your shake.
" y/n, i swear if it's gross-"
" don't worry, it's not! go on, try it!" y/n smirked as the greyette boy did as she told him and his face lit up.

" that's so good!"
" told ya! i'm always right, just so you know."
" cap."
" kenma!"

when they finished eating, y/n got dropped off at her apartment by kuroo, kenma and lev.

" thanks for tonight you guys, i really appreciate it." you smiled at the three volleyball players, them smiling back. 
" any time, y/n. we'll see you later." kuroo said as you closed the car door and walked into the building.

as she opened her apartment door, she was met by a smell of food wafting through the complex.

" sawamura..?" y/n followed the smell into the kitchen to see her brother cooking with a brunette girl.

" y/n-chan! hi!!" michimiya smiled and hugged the younger girl. 
" michimiya! h-hi, i didn't know you were coming over!" y/n hugged her back and looked at her brother.

" not that it's a problem, i would've just stayed out with my friends longer so i don't interrupt you two."
" oh don't worry! plus sawamura is such a dry talker sometimes- hey!" as michimiya was speaking, daichi threw a hand towel at her.

y/n laughed, " ok well, i'm gonna go to sleep, enjoy your night though, michimiya and sawamura."

she walked up the stairs and into her room, where she let out a sigh.

putting her h/c hair back, y/n took her makeup off and changed into her pajamas.

playing her playlist that helped her fall asleep, she dozed off dreaming about what she's gonna do about her and noya.

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