Chapter 2

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I woke up the next day and made it to my first class. I hadn't payed attention to the rest of the sorting, too busy trying to stay hidden. I didn't want anyone to notice me, I was too scared that it would lead to them hurting me. I walked into Transfiguration, apparently we had it with the Gryffindors. The first thing I noticed was the setup of the classroom, desks for two facing a blackboard. I made my way to the back of the classroom, not wanting to draw attention to myself. I was not the first one there, or the last one, I just arrived kind of in the middle. I looked around the room, my eyes falling on four boys. They all wore Gryffindor ties and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Something about them attracted everyones attention. Professor McGonagall entered the room, an air of confidence and surety following her.

"Good morning students! In this class you will be learning the art of transfiguration, I expect you to pay attention and not disrupt the class." After this she sent a pointed look at the four boys, who had just burst into laughter. As if she could sense they would be trouble.

"Open your books to page 15, we will start this lesson by learning the proper movements to turn a match into a needle."

The day continued on like this, the teachers would give a short summary of what the class would be like, and then tell them to open a book. I made sure to stay in the back, unnoticed and invisible, just how I wanted to be. I would never understand those who could just talk about nothing and make it seem like the most important thing in the world. Lunch had passed, the food was delicious, but it would be more appealing if it was blue. That would be the first thing I'd do when I sent an owl to my mom, ask her for blue food dye, and blue cookies! I really wasn't surprised that the four boys I had mentioned before where drawing everyones attention to the Gryffindor table. I noticed that one of them seemed to follow the others, not able to make decisions for himself. The other was extremely tall, even for an 11 year old. There was another one that had black hair, he basically screamed bad boy, and I could tell half the girls already had a crush on him. However, something was wrong in his eyes, as if he was not used to being with other people. I knew that look, I saw it every time I looked in a mirror. The final boy had glasses, and messy hair, he kept looking at a redhead, who in return, ignored him completely. She turned her gaze back to her food, sighing . She hadn't been able to pay attention in any of her classes, her ADHD making her distracted. The dyslexia didn't help either, turns out wizards have never heard of either of them. She finished her lunch and started getting ready to head towards her next class. On her way out she looked back at the Great Hall, her eyes looking through the different house tables. She locked eyes with one of the four boys, her sea green orbs looking deep into his. Little did she know that her eyes would haunt the boy for the rest of the day, which then turned into the rest of the week, that week then became a year, finally turning into the rest of the school year.

I NEED HELP!! I CAN'T CHOOSE WHO HER LOVE INTEREST SHOULD BE!! Please vote which one you guys want Persephone to fall in love with, I'm not gonna make her love a male Annabeth. I want it to be a maurader. Who should it be?

Sirius Black

Remus Lupin

Anyway thank you for reading and make sure to stay safe!

Fem Percy Jackson at Hogwarts (BUT DURING MAURADER ERA)Where stories live. Discover now