Everyone looked around nervously, seeing what their fellow teammates would do. Seeing that no one was making any kind of move, Spencer unwrapped her arms from around Fulton's shoulders.

"I guess I'll be a Duck if no one else will be," Spencer said as she finally started walking towards her coach.

"Alright! Come get your jersey kid!" Bombay said excitedly, high-fiving the girl as she approached. Spencer dug through the box until she found the jersey with her number - 14 - on the back.

"I'll be a Duck." Spencer heard Fulton say from behind her, quickly following her lead.

"Yeah, me too," Charlie said, standing from his seat beside his mom to walk to the box of jerseys. Spencer handed both boys their jerseys as everyone else approached.

"Look at this!" Spencer said as she excitedly held up her jersey to show Fulton. "This is so cool!"

Fulton watched the girl excitedly examine her jersey with a smile as he distractedly looked at his own.

"Connie, Guy, Charlie! Come here!" Spencer said, waving them over. The blonde excitedly held up her jersey for them to see. "Real jerseys! For the first time in the history of ever, we've got real jerseys!"

"This is the most exciting moment of my life!" Connie said as she and Spencer excitedly hugged and swaying side to side in excitement.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, girls are so weird," Charlie said from between Fulton and Guy. The two boys nodded their agreement as they watched the girls in front of them.

"Now we're the Ducks!" Bombay called out over the ecstatic chatter of the young kids.

"Yeah!" the team shouted in unison.

"The Mighty Ducks!" Bombay said, the energy growing more and more. "Who are we?" he asked.

"The Ducks!" the team shouted together.

At the next game they played, the Ducks were out on the ice, all tossing a football around during warmups.

"Every time you get the puck, you're the quarterback," Bombay said as he walked through the circle of players, a football of his own in his hand. "Make eye contact with the receiver. Talk to him. Let him know it's coming. Come on, guys. This isn't a library. Talk to each other!"

"I'd tell you to try not to be nervous but that doesn't help," Spencer said to Fulton as the two sat alone in the box. Fulton let out a short but nervous laugh before going back to anxiously picking at his fingers.

"Connie said picking at your fingers is bad for you," Spencer said, reaching over and taking his hand in hers. Fulton gave her a soft smile and lightly squeeze to ease his nerves. Spencer slowly pulled her hand away from his when she looked up and saw her coach approaching.

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