Part 6 - Who Are You?

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I woke up the following morning, the sun blinding me through the cracks which remained from where I closed the blinds last night. My head was pounding and I could still smell the alcohol in the room. It was truly disgusting and I needed to get away from it. I was beginning to feel slightly sick with each breath that I took of the room. Stale alcohol isn't the best thing in the world to wake up to.

Especially with this hangover which is now slowly eating away at me.

As I went to get out of bed, I realised that there was another person next to me. Not uncommon for a drunken night out. But this time, I really was so drunk that I had no idea who it was. He was facing away from me, so I couldn't even get a good look at his face which was a shame. I'm sure he was a very attractive guy. He had extremely curly hair - it was a bit like Jay's hair really. And he had tattoos on his arm, just like Jay. Wait. They were exactly the same tattoos as Jay.

But it couldn't be him. We'd never do anything in the same house as where Tom was living. My brother had made ot clear to all the boys that they were never do anything with me. That was his only rule to them. They could never sleep with me because if they did, and Tom found out, then he would kill them. Maybe he wouldn't kill them, but there would be a lot of violence and one of them wouldn't come out looking the same. And it would would probably be whoever I had slept with.

"Kim. Nathan is in the kitchen, go and entertain him while I'm in the shower..." Tom shouted through the door at me.

"But you know me and Nathan don't get along with each other!" I complained. I knew he was doing this on purpose because he wanted to make me and Nathan like each other. Which was never going to happen. I was never going to like him, no matter how much he may or may not like me.

"I don't care Kim. Go and make sure Nathan is alright..." he snapped back at me and with that I heard a door slam shut. I assumed that Tom must have disappeared into the bathroom which meant that I had to do as he had told me. Entertain Nathan. This could be fun.

I carefully dragged myself off the bed and walked over to my wardrobe, looking for something I could wear. I couldn't seem to find anything I liked as I kept throwing clothes over my shoulder and onto the floor behind me. All I wanted was a pair of jeans, a vest top and the hoodie which I had stolen off Nathan months ago - he kept asking for it back but just gave up when I refused and told him he was never getting it back from me. Yes, I am that immature.

"Babe, you look so much better like that!" I heard the voice from the bed laugh at me. His morning voice was incredibly sexy and the Nottingham accent that he had when he spoke just confirmed that it was Jay. Looks like my mission was a success.

"Well, you would say that wouldn't you..." I giggled back as I turned around to see him looking up and down me, just like he was doing last night. He could do that to me as many times as he liked and it was never going to make me feel any different. And I was never going to complain about it either.

"If you have a body like that then it's not my fault!" he shrugged back at me with a smug look on his face.

"I think you need glasses Mr.McGuiness..." I laughed at him as I went back to looking for the clothes that I wanted for the day.

"I think you need some confidence Miss.Parker..." he laughed back at me. He really was an idiot. But he was an extremely attractive idiot.

"You do realise if Tom catches you in my bed, then he will kill you!" I said suddenly changing the topic to make sure that he was aware that he did need to get some clothes on and he did need to get the hell out of my room before Tom did his usual morning inspection.

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