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five times peter didn't know who had carried him and one time he did

Tony Stark was in one of his least favorite places, which just so happened to be at the hospital bedside of Peter Parker. As the harried billionaire watched his son's sleeping face, he couldn't help but breathe a soft sigh of relief. Peter's wisdom teeth coming out was one of the least stressful trips to the MedBay Tony had ever experienced. When it came to Peter, Tony's worry never ceased, but this whole experience was rather mundane and Tony was honestly looking forward to seeing his kid high off his ass.

As Peter began to shuffle around on the bed and scrunching his face up, looking so much younger than he was, Tony braced himself. Peter on drugs was a unique experience to say the least, with no two times being anywhere near the same. Sometimes the teenager was bouncing off the walls with a supply of energy Tony could only dream of. Other times Peter just talked and talked and talked. About anything that his mind flitted to. Loudly. Talkative Peter was one of Tony's favorites because Tony could ask him almost anything and Peter's mouth would move faster than his brain and he would blurt out the truth. This was how Tony found out that Peter's favorite Avenger was Iron Man, that he was scared of spiders and that sometimes Peter lied about getting injuries on patrol because he actually got hurt being clumsy and many other things he could tease the kid about. No time was the same and every time just made Tony love the kid all the more.

Tony watched quietly as Peter became more aware of his surroundings, holding his breath as he waited to see what the teen would do as he woke up. Peter shifted and huffed loudly before blinking his eyes open and wincing at the harsh LED lights. Tony silently dimmed the lights from his HUD on his glasses and continued to sit quietly. He knew normally Peter would be able to hear his heartbeat the teen woke up, but with all the drugs they had to pump into his system for a surgery like he had had, Tony wasn't surprised that Peter had forgotten to focus in on his mentor's pulse. 

Peter blinked owlishly, mouth hanging slightly open around the gauze in between his teeth.  Tony watched as he looked all around the room, eyes finally falling on his mentor. Tony had been expecting a wide grin and loud greeting. Tony had been expecting anything else besides what actually happened. 

Which was Peter meeting his mentor's amused gaze and immediately bursting into hysterical tears.

Tony surged forward in concern, hands reaching out to comfort his son as he sobbed like a toddler. Peter sucked in a huge breath as Tony sat on the edge of the hospital bed, the teenager barely registering the weight beside him. He sobbed again, causing a twinge in Tony's chest at the feeling off utter helplessness that washed over him. Tony reached out and carefully brushed the tears off Peter's swollen chipmunk cheeks.

"Bubba, c'mon it's okay, sh. Honey you need to calm down or you're going to puke or rip your stitches. It's okay," Tony's voice took on the deep, rumbling cadence he only used with Peter, having picked up on the way the teen would press himself ever closer to his father's chest to listen to the vibrations when he needed comfort. Calming slightly, Peter finally seemed to register that Tony was with him. 

"Dad?" Peter's voice trembled as he let out another sob.

Tony didn't think that he would ever get used to hearing Peter call him that, his heart clearly in agreement as it swooped in his chest.

"Yeah, bub, it's me," Tony said lightly, hoping the confirmation of his presence would help stop the hoarse crying that still hadn't let up. "What do you need, Pete? Anything?"

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