Is Phineas cheating? !! Part 2

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It had been a few weeks since the tree incident- if that's what you want to call it. Oikawa had been practically begging to see Phineas again but every time they had plans, Phineas would always cancel. Oikawa started getting paranoid 'm-maybe he's just hanging out with his friends or- his brother' he can't be cheating- h-he wouldn't!'Oikawa's mind was racing so he decided to make a plan. 'Sorry oikawa I have plans' said Phineas. 'Oh it's ok' answered oikawa. He then hung up and drove to Phineas's house. When he got there Phineas wasn't there. He saw his car backing out of the driveway and sprinted out of Phineas's house, jumping in his car and following Phineas to the mystery person he'd been spending all his time with. Phineas pulled into a familiar driveway. 'I-is that- N-no' oikawa exlaimed 'it- it couldn't be!' He watched as Phineas stepped into the house. Oikawa couldn't quite get a good look at the Culprit. 'Fuck!' Oikawa yelled 'now I need to just sit here- or-' oikawa climbed out of his car and went over to the back door. It was open! He stepped it to see.....

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