He blinked a few times at her proximity then shook his head dismissively, keeping his eyes down. "Just...a lot to do and plan and...process. It's nothing." 

He held out the paper and she took it with a tiny flickering smile but not without brushing her hand against his and freezing him where he sat, a shockwave of raw crushing emotion rushing through him at her touch.

"Thank you...sorry to bother you." 

"Not at all..." he replied with a flustered sigh as she left again. 

Bother him? Bloody understatement of the century, more like confuse him, consume him with an overwhelming sense of adoration and hopelessness and break him apart. He couldn't keep on like this, it was torture, bleeding into everything he did, every part of him. 

It was so obviously unrequited and pointless, why did he keep holding on? 

"Good stars, Armitage...Pull yourself together!"


The General walked up to Kylo Ren and Amelia who were discussing Force knows what in hushed voices, not hearing him behind them until he cleared his throat, her smiling a little while her master watched him disapprovingly. Her greeting stopped his heart for a second and his stomach fluttered, annoying him greatly. 

"Yes, General?" she asked when he said nothing. 

"Sorry, uh, Amelia, the Supreme Leader has requested your presence. His ship will be arriving shortly."

"Oh , thank you," she said, looking to her master prompting them both to start to walk but Hux stopped him.

"Only Amelia, Ren." 

She was washed with a tide of nerves, though she dared not show it and they both nodded, Ren sensing her anxiety and giving her a reassuring nod. 

"Go. You'll be fine without me."

She took a breath and walked on, followed by the General who kept his head up despite his raging feelings, waiting for her to speak first.

"Will you be coming?" 

"I'd be happy to escort you, if you wish." 

"Yes, please," she said and he nodded, a little proud of himself for that. "Is my ship ready?" 

"It's already waiting." 

Every floor they climbed in the lift to Snoke's throne room filled her with pure dread. She was thankful she had the General by her side though she was sure he would be sent away almost immediately. Still, she was glad she wasn't alone and accompanied by someone she was fairly fond of. Neither of them knew what to say though. 

"I'm sure you will be okay," he eventually said and she turned to him. "He likes you, he's proud of your progress. He's probably just interested in that."

"Without Ren?"

"I suppose...yeah...But you have nothing to worry about I'm sure." 

She gave him a weary smile of thanks then turned her attention to her feet.

"You look beautiful today..." he accidently let slip, cursing himself in his head for such a lack of control when she looked back at him but she wasn't angry, she was too nervous to be. 

"Thank you, General..." she said sincerely. It was a little boost of confidence for the situation she was throwing herself into.

It was true though, of course. The silver jewels that topped her shoulders flowed down into long, black draping sleeves, glinting in the light and dispersing at her collar. A silk sash held her waist and cuffed the trailing black skirt. She was beautiful, she was deadly, but most importantly presentable before her Supreme Leader even if she didn't know at all why she had been called and Ren had not. 

Blinded by the Dark | General HuxWhere stories live. Discover now