My Hero Academia SMASH!!

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A/N: to those who don't know Mha smash, its basically a gag version of the original manga.

"The last universe was weird...." Sero said as instantly everyone agreed. "Weird?! TODOROKI ALMOST BURNT DOWN THE CINEMA!" Kaminari exclaimed. Toni laid down on the ground tired from extinguishing the flames. Kirishima crouched down next to the body "Is she dead?" He asked. A grape suddenly appeared and sneaked towards her. His mouth started to drool as he did a grabbing motion with his hands. In an instant Toni stood up and grabbed Mineta by the throat. "K-kinky~" He choked out. Her face contorted into a disgusted look as she snapped her fingers. "Hope you get eaten by a titan!" She smiled as she kicks him into the portal. Everyone shivered at her actions. All Might leaned over to Present Mic "Remind me not to get Toni angry..."

"Sorry for the scene everyone! Shall we get started?" They all gulped at the mood swing "Y-Yeah...sure.." Deku nervously said.

Sports festival

Present Mic announced "The final barrier is a mine field!! Some of these mines will try to mess with your head!" Todoroki question what he meant as he stepped on a mine. It exploded as the sound of the explosion screamed "I LOVE YOU DADDY!!" The bi-colored haired male was shocked before stopping and having an existential crisis. "We've lost one already!! Todoroki's heart just got served on a platter!" Aizawa who was next to Mic questioned "Who came up with this insanity.."

Todoroki stood there before standing up and going to a corner and sat there as he kept mumbled "I will never love him." Midoriya came to him and questioned if he was ok. He never answered back.

Bakugou was fighting Kirishima when he hit him with a large blast. As smoke slowly disappeared a tiny naked Kirishima appeared. "W...What happened!?" Bakugou came closer as he glared at him "You give up?"

"No way! Bring it on bro!" After five minutes of continued explosions the red head became dust as the other sweatdropped at him. Present Mic announced on the speakers "Kirishima is no more! Bakugou wins!!!!" Everyone in the bleachers designated of Class 1A started mourning for their dearly departed friend as a picture showed Kirishima with a thumbs up while he was in heaven 'W-we'll never forget you Kirishima!" A small box shows the text 'Recovery Girl found a way to get him back'

"Press F in the chat.."Kaminari said as he kneeled down in front of a random Kirishima shrine that popped out if nowhere. Sero, Mina, and Mic had joined in the idiotic thing. "Guys...I'm not dead-" Kirishima sweat dropped before he gets interrupted "I can still hear his voice..." The pinkette said as she wiped a tear. "But I'm right here!" red head was about to say something when a hand appeared and grabbed his shoulders. "I understand your pain." Daichi said as he sobs in a corner along with Kirishima. Toni just questioned where and how did he came here before sending him back into the volleyball anime.

Training:Camp (S3)

Midoriya approached Ojiro asking if he could spar with him. With sweat dripping of his face he agreed to the spar. "I'm thrilled to be my sparring partner! Let's do this!" Midoriya charged up. He felt he hit something hard. "A tree!? I thought it was Ojiro!" The said male started at him with disbelief...scratch that he looks like he's ready to cry any moment.

"P-please tell me it's a joke..."



Ojiro was actually shocked...he left his seat then went to the food bar to get ice cream and then went to the corner to sob...poor man-. "IM SO SO SO SORRY OJIRO!" Midoriya bowed so low that he looked just like Inasa from Shiketsu (aka baldy). Kirishima who was actually also in the corner asked the tailed man for some ice cream as well.

(A/N: The rest of the things onwards, I'll be writing here are not part of the main series or anime but part of the Smash volumes)


'Heh! Aizawa's falling over himself today! This is my chance to prank him too!' Present Mic thought to himself as he watched Midnight apologizing for pranking Aizawa, who currently suffers from allergies.

'This can't end well for Mr.Mic/Mic...' Majority of the students and staff thought while the said man is hiding behind All Might so that he can't get hit or anything. Meanwhile, the raven haired teacher glared at him with his quirk activated.

The other other blond aka thr non angry and idiot loud blond moved the Trash can of the poor teacher who tried to throw his trash away. Noticing the used tissue didn't make it into the can he went down to throw it. He then noticed that his chair was being pulled away too. Present Mic was recording the entire thing 'Hehe, this is going to be all over the internet-' Aizawa tossed the tissue, which may I remind you has his snot blowned into that crumpled piece of trash, into Mic's mouth. After realizing what had gone into his mouth, the blond teacher started to go into a coughing fit. "You're thirty years old. Act like it!" Aizawa reminded his annoying friend "HUH? I THOUGHT WE WERE BESTIES!?"

The room was silent. Some were sympathizing with the blond while others were holding their laughters. "Harsh man... but Koda's thing was worse. No offense Koda." Mic said as he walked to the corner with Kirishima and Ojiro. The said student nodded. The other two students moved over to make space for their new companion "Ice cream?" Ojiro offered as he gave him a cone with soft served chocolate ice cream. The teacher nodded and grabbed the sweet of his hands and ate it while they continue sobbing in the corner. Aizawa who watched the entire thing go down and said "He deserved it."

April fools

"Didja know Iida is actually a prototype android made by the I.D.A corporation!" Sero said to his classmates. Kirishima looked suprised "That's news to me!" Iida, who had just arrived in the classroom, walked straight before making a sharp turn and went towards everyone. "If it isn't Kirishima. Good day to you!" He greeted with a small wave. "That's obviously just a joke!" Uraraka said between the her fits of giggles."Today's April Fool, you know!" Midoriya said as well between his own laughs. Iida's head made a sharp turn as he looked at everyone "Why are you all gathered in that corner?" The laughter was replaced with doubt lingering in their minds

"Are you really a robot Iida?..." Uraraka turned to her best friend who sat on her left. "O-of course not!" He denied. "Sus. Def sus." Kaminari looked at him suspiciously. "We should vote blue out!" Mina continued. Sero, Kaminari, Mina, and Hawks all raised their hands to vote Iida out. "It seems its majority!" Sero approached him and pulled off his head.

Turns out Iida was actually a robot. "Darn. I would've taken over the world along with my robot brothers if it weren't for you meddling kids!" The robot who disguised himself as Iida glared at them. "W-where's the real Iida!" Midoriya shouted at him even though he was slightly shaking. As if on cue the door on where the cleaning supplies was, started shaking. "Yeah no. I ain't opening that shit." Bakugou said since he was the nearest to the door. Aizawa sighed as he walked towards the door revealing the real Iida taped up to the door. "I think were gonna need a commercial break..." Toni sighed.

Quick rememinder I do not own Smash This spin off series belongs to Hirofumi Neda. I do not own Mha as well that series again belongs to Kohei Horikoshi.

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