Mister Glassman

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Everyone started to find their seats then when everyone settled down Toni started to explain what will they be watching...

"Alright guys... we'll be watching an AU where Midoriya was chosen to represent class 1A at a music festival where he will sing..". Everyone was amazed that the class 1A's golden boy could sing "Tch.. I could beat those 1A idiots in that festival- ACK" Monoma boasted before class 1B's class rep Itsuka Kendo karate chops him on his neck then passes out. Kendo stands up from her seat and apologizes "Sorry everyone about Monoma.."
"Well then...shall we start this au?" Toni asked everyone nodded thus the lights dimmed and the screen lit up....

Midoriya peeked outside to see a crowd staring to find their seats. He sighed "Why did it have to be me..."then a flashback starts

"DEKU/MIDORIYA/IZUKU!" Everyone shouted when they saw their friend,rival,classmate before Aizawa glared at his class.

"So since the UA talent festival is arriving soon. I will need to draw lots to see who will represent the class since no one wants to represent....." the adviser of class 1A said as he reached in the box the class started to shake and panicked in their minds if they will get picked. Aizawa took out the ball then it showed seat no. 18 "...so....problem child will represent our class..." Midoriya gulped at that moment and started to have a mental breakdown.

"What's the festival for?" All might asked. "Its like the cultural festival but instead the whole class creating an event for the school one person must represent their class with a talent show." Toni replied. "Oof thats rough buddy..." Kaminari said to the greenette as he patted his back "Dont worry deku i know you'll do great!" Uraraka cheered for his friend then Midoriya blushed a dark shade of red as he thought to him self 'so close'

"Deku?" A girl with short chestnut brown hair appeared infront of him. "Oh- uh hello Uraraka" he waved at her
"So are you excited for your gig?" Midoriya stayed quite for he was unsure about what he feels "Well uh...not really..."

The girls in 1A started to tease Uraraka due to the fact that the are so cute to them

"Izuku Midoriya get ready you're up" Mic said. "Well do your best okay Deku! Remember to also have fun" Uraraka cheered on for her friend "Thanks Uraraka!" He replied. Midoriya walked on up stage some of his class clapped and cheered for him "Im Izuku Midoriya and im here to represent Class 1A! This song goes to my friends who helped me to become a better hero" He exclaimed whilst looking at the Dekusquad. The friends of Midoriya smiled at the special announcement. The claps died down as piano keys started to play

"Let's paint a picture you're in class
The teacher writes the notes too fast
And there's a boy who sits in back
Who's too afraid to raise his hand
And ask if she can slow it down
So nervously he looks around"

"Dang who knew Midoriya could sing.." Jirou said watching the greenette sing. Everyone in the cinema nodded in agreement including Bakugou. 'Maybe I should make the Problem child sing for the next year's festival....'.. Aizawa stared at him thinking he would be perfect for the role.

"Can't bare to stand out in the crowd
And he's only gotten half the notes now
The school bell rings and he feels deflated
He looks at his hand, he should've raised it
His biggest fear, he should've faced it
And now he's lost inside the pages
He might be there but you'd never notice
Got a lot to say but he's soft spoken
He's a book that just isn't open
A tiny ripple in a stormy ocean"

The Alternate Realities Of Midoriya IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now