chapter 4

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I wrote about the crime case and we got a lot of profit.

I recently got a new job offer, which I thought was a bit weird because it was another company. It's a job for a personal assistant and it's got great pay.

I took the job because my contract with my job had just ended. I went in for the first time today but I never saw the boss.

It was great, people there were very friendly but they stared at me weird.
I did meet the bosses alleged brother, John.

He was a fair share of weird. When i met him, he looked at me and said "human". After that he was very nice. He showed me around and ignored me when I asked about the CEO.

I asked him if he's ever seen two pretty best friends. He just glared at me and looked unamused, maybe he doesn't understand the joke.

While I was there, I met a girl and a guy who I'm assuming was her boyfriend. They looked so in love, it was amazing. I learnt that there names were Bianca and Justin.

After a long day I took a hot bath and decided to treat myself to dinner.
I got an uber to a restaurant nearby and got a table and stuff.

The waiter asked if I was waiting for someone and I said "No, I'm alone".
He nods and walks away.

John walks in and sits in front of me.
"Why are you here" I ask in a sarcastic tone. He ignores me and waves at the waiter.

The waiter smiles and takes our orders. "Get your own table" I say.
He just shakes his head and says "Why are you here".

"Can't i buy myself dinner" I say. He rolls his eyes and the waiter cones back with our food.

We eat and he asks a lot of questions about my personal life. "Is this an interrogation" I ask.

He chuckles, " no" he says.
He only answers some of the questions I ask him.

He even drove me home, I thought that was very nice but unexpected.
I thanked him and now I am laying in bed ready to sleep.

That night I dreamt about Curtis. He said he couldn't wait till I knew everything and I could be his mate.
He touched my hair, I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or it was real.

Hey guys callmepapi here, I've been very busy with school but I'll try write as much as I can.
Love, callmepapi xoxo

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