chapter 5 || draft

Start from the beginning

Her face still glows wondering the possibilities of how we met again. To think the memories of me spilling the tea of my crush on a Adonis straight billionaire narcissist.

Did she really forget about Bobby, I really can not believe this woman!

She nods her head sitting properly on her chair holding in all those questions. And I had to break the news it ain't good

Which we both know... right?

"And mind telling how this happened?" I'm pretty sure we are on the same page about Xander or I referred him as Leon as a code name four years ago.

After all they is only one guy who made my mind melt in mysterious ways.

Rachael knows Xander she is the only person I can trust when my fantasy kept this ideal of Leon a hard boner to my balls that I would cum for days just kissing him.

If it wasnt for Rachael's aunt coming with her the notorious extravaganza friend to my father's gala seven years before meeting Xander. The odds of both me and Rachael's life's wouldn't become a mess weren't even considered because of her.

From one daring human walking on thin ice.

Katherine the girl in the middle who turned both our world's into hell.

"Seems like we had a new brother in law and I'm certainly wasn't invited to the equation." her eyes widen shocked realising what I meant.

"Holy shit." she whispers, can't lie about her reaction it's a huge game changer. Just when we were talking Bobby interrupted.

"Uhm sorry to ruin the mood but we need to go remember your mother called ." Rachael groans rolling her eyes, I wonder why because one thing is she never reacted in such manner when someone talks of her mother.

It is more of the opposite kinder reaction.

"Anyways Jodie will talk later -" she stands up from her chair "I think our time was shortened not sure why, but I'll tell you one thing is don't fucking cock block me ,because your really bad with men."

"Yeah right." Rolling my eyes was the least bitching move.

She takes my phone and type something in my phone , it wasn't locked so seeing numbers I'm sure those were hers.

"This time they is no running away because I'm not letting that happen." Rachael gives me my phone , a message was sent to from her number.

Xander is a dick

For a brief moment I wanted to kick her ass for stating the obvious.

"Could you be less typical." She flicks her hair and shrugs.

"I almost foregot Mason is having a housewarming this Friday and I think it might ease up the pain if you're open for any options." she smirks

"It was one time and never again ,but I'll come if you let it go." Pointing my finger when she smirks mischievously

"I'll think about it if I hook you up with someone." Rachael tilts her head waiting for my answer, I wanted to shake my head and knowing her would definitely sign me up without letting me get a single word in.

"If you let it go I would consider any other guy on the menu." Her smile sealed the deal before nodding her head.

She turns to grab Bobby's arm going back inside the restaurant to leave through the exit, letting me to pay what we all ate.

I checked $2900,50 for the meals we picked with a tip.

I walked out to my bicycle riding home with some tunes of music in my ears. A part of me felt relieve and happy to see Rachael ,because I needed it more because she is still my best friend even if we aren't close as before I'll never break that bond even if it kills me.


The garage opens placing back the bicycle then walking out of this place making my way to the living room.

Slowly the lounge comes to view stopping as I saw a certain human sitting down on the couch wearing a tight shirt and jet black torn jeans.

The television was on headlines from the news speaking quietly when his eyes swiftly looks away from the screen.

"Your back" ,His eyes tonic brown eyes traces my body, "tired from running like a sick puppy." The smirk on his face gets on my nerves to this point.

"Can you please just leave your remarks to yourself and why the fuck are you here ,because I don't see Mads nor recall you living here." I said to him politely tired from I'm wasting pointless energy this afternoon.

"She took my car for a quick errands for your stepmother who asked ,so watching television while Melissa is sleeping is my only option for not interfering unnecessary shenanigans."

He gets up from the couch walking slowly towards me until two steps we're between us.

"What do you really want from me Xander because I don't know why you hate me so much!"

"I don't hate you." He mumbles

"Then what is it if you don't hate me?"

Not stepping a single foot forward staring up into his brown eyes.

He chuckles stepping even closer smelling his strong cologne and feeling his warmth from him huge figure. "It's complicated yet very devious..." he trails off leaning for as our face were inches apart

His thumb touch my chin gently , his lips move to my neck feeling his hot breath . I thought his gonna kiss my neck but he chuckles , Xander moves to my ear.

"But what I want is" ,he whispers as chills run down my spine sparking electricity,"the same feeling that you made me feel Jodie back then." his voice was hoarse

And dark

A /N

Sorry for the late update

Was trying to remake the chapter even more interesting hope you guys enjoy it


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