Mr.Hippo: grocery shopping

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Well my seems you've met a terrible, terrible fate. But uh...really I don't, I don't feel too guilty about it. You see If I didn't come along, you would've just been clicking on that tablet for a few hours more , and eventually met the...well the same fate! I guess..I guess what I'm trying to say is that things continue and..keep going, y'know? Reminds me of the time I went grocery shopping with my good friend Orville. You see it was a fine spring day, around noon..or was it the afternoon?? I, I cant exactly remember but, I can assure you, it was a fine day. See me and my friend Orville quite fancy picnics during the summer. And well the thing is, you can't make sandwiches without all the ingredients, or or, a completed picnic basket without a blanket. So we were shopping for picnic supplies. We were walking down the aisle and I was looking for rye bread, when Orville looks at me and goes " Hey friend,what are those mirrors for in the corners of the roof?" And I looked at him, kinda confused, and go "well Orville, those are for.." the thing is, I didn't know what they were for, y'know? You see you always notice those mirrors in the corners of grocery stores but you never actually think about what they're for, or, at- at least I've never thought about it. Well, Orville looks at me and goes "well what are they for??". Of course I, I didn't know what the mirrors were for so I just go "I don't exactly know, Orville". And looking back on this, I'm realizing that there's a lot of stuff I don't really know because I've never thought about it . Like, like As you've probably noticed , me and all of my friends in here are animatronics, you'd think that our parts would get all clogged up if we ate food, but the thing is we don't! Me and Orville and occasionally some of my other friends like to have picnics and eat sandwiches, which would logically give us problems, but we never experience food related problems. How is that? Are we some magic animatronics that can eat? Or, or perhaps we have a mechanism that digests food?? Or maybe we're just able to because we're fan favorite fictional characters in some work of fiction portrayed in everyday situations for entertainment?? I don't exactly know, what was I talking about again?..Ah yes, the grocery store. So Orville said to me "it doesn't really make sense to have mirrors in a grocery store for them to not have a purpose" and I looked at Orville, and I thought about it for a second and said "Orville, not everything needs to make sense, sometimes things just are the way they are y'know?". And he was sort of confused for a second, but after a moment of thinking he said "well I guess that makes sense"and we continued walking . We bought our ingredients and went on to have a lovely picnic about a week later, and y'know now thinking about it maybe that makes my previous dilemma about the food not matter. Maybe everything doesn't need to make sense, or have an answer. maybe sometimes things just are the way they are. Maybe sometimes things just are the way they are.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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