Bloody Saturday

52 4 0

➸ Jungkook ➸

The dark colored blanket rustled loudly in the quiet room as the owner lifted his head. Raven hair stuck up in all directions. He blinked sleep coaxed eyes at the blinding sun that glared in from the window.

It was Saturday morning, meaning rest and most importantly, no school. Usually, he woke to the loud noise of the whirring air conditioner and the banging of pots as his mom cooked in the kitchen a couple doors down. The news would be playing on the tv and his dog Shadow would be running up and down the hall chasing his little sister Moon.

But, it seemed as if the house had paused and was waiting for a sign to start again. Even, the usual ticking of the clock was absent beside his bed. Along,  with the sound of cars rushing down the road.

' What's going on? Where is everyone? Why is it so quiet?'

Jungkook ruffled his uncanny hair and glanced around the room. "Mom? Moon?" He called out, getting out of the hot bed and walking toward the locked door. He wiggled his sock covered toes on the cold floor as he opened the door and glanced out at the bare hallway.

Their family pictures shined as the sun bounced off them, some standing straight while others looked ready to fall to the ground.  Everything, looked normal except for the red streak that ran across the white wall down to the corner where it abruptly stopped.

" What the fuck."

Jungkook pushed the door completely open and hesitantly stepped out into the hallway. Sweat trickled down his neck as he stuck out a shaky hand and touched the stained wall. The substance was cold against his warm skin as he rubbed it between his finger tips.

" T-his can't be— you're just thinking the worse, Jungkook." He assured himself, forcing his eyes away from his red coated fingers. He walked around the corner before pausing. The front door was wide open. Letting in what had become the new world.

Jungkook stared out with frightened eyes. The usual green grass was coated in the same red substance as his walls but in the middle of it lied his little sister, Moon. Her beautiful brown eyes that once shined with happiness now stared back at him glossy and lifeless. Her shiny black hair was coated in blood as what looked like a man ate from her ripped open stomach.

" M-Moo—no... this isn't real." Jungkook mumbled, gripping his long locks in a tight hold.  "Wake up. Wake up... you have to wake, Jungkook." He cried out, falling to the ground and slapping his forehead with the palm of his hand.

He wrapped his arms tightly around his pajama clothed knees and rocked back in forth. "Please...please wake up." Jungkook whispered, squeezing his eyes shut as tears fell from his almond colored eyes and mixed in with the sweat covering his tan skin.

" Raaaauuuughhhh-"

Jungkook's head snapped up, meeting eyes with the blood shot eyes of the creature. The sight of its unhinged jaw and blood coated clothes made him want to pass out. It pushed off the ground and staggered to him. The flesh of Jungkook's dear sister caught between his teeth.

Jungkook froze as the monster neared him. Step by step the stench of death came closer.  " N-No." He mumbled, staggering to catch his balance as he got off the step and backed into the house, eyes never leaving the cruel creature that stared back at him.

He continued to back away until clammy fingers wrapped around his shoulder and a loud groan sounded from behind him. He whipped around frozen at the sight in front of him.

Her usual white robe was stained in blood and dirt. Unkept black hair hung lifeless at her shoulders, blood shot eyes locked on him. " M-Mom?" Jungkook called out and walked towards her.

" M-Mom, what's wrong?" He cried out, reaching forward to pull her in a hug. She snarled angrily and lunged at him. " What are you doing!?" Jungkook shrieked, pushing her mouth away from his face. She cornered him into the wall, mouth foaming at the fresh meat in front of her.

Jungkook pushed her away and ran into his room, closing and locking the door, before falling to the ground and fisting his hair in a tight grip. " I-I don't know what to do."  He whimpered, staring down at his blood coated socks. " Please, tell me what to do." He cried out, ripping the socks off his feet and tossing them somewhere in the room.

The silence was defeating in the small room as he rubbed his sore, blood shot eyes and searched his brain for an answer.

Jungkook sat there, bloodshot eyes and clammy skin. " I have to survive." He mumbled, forcing back the tears.He stood up and grabbed his school bag from his computer chair and dumped everything out of it 

"Okay, Jungkook you have to survive and what's the key to survival? Food and weapons." He mumbled, grabbing his boots from his closet along with some different clothes and throwing them them on the bed. " Let's do this."

He opened the door, now changed into jeans and a t-shirt along with sturdy boots and a trusty baseball bat in his hand. He left his door open as he eased into the hallway toward the kitchen. Food being the only thing on his mind. The floorboards seemed to creak throughout the whole house with every step he took.

Jungkook rounded the corner and paused, leaning forward slightly to see if the coast was clear. Once, he saw no movement he eased toward the kitchen and leaned his bat against the counter. He dug into the cabinets and pulled out whatever he could make use of.

After, packing his bag full he turned to leave. Tears caught in his eyes at the sight of the family pictures sitting on the table. "I'm sorry." Jungkook whispered, grabbing the picture and placing a soft kiss on it. He shoved it in his bag and headed toward the front door.

Just as he went to open it a loud noise sounded from the bathroom. He paused, hand wrapped around the doorknob, and glanced behind him.

' Should I?'

Jungkook thought to himself, groaning quietly before releasing his hold on the door knob and waking to the bathroom. He raised his bat and slowly pushed the bathroom door open.

" Shadow!" He smiled, dropping his bat and kneeling down to hug the happy dog. His tail hit Jungkook's back as he fiercely shuddered in the others tight hold. "Come on boy." Jungkook called out, picking up his bag and heading toward the door.

" We got this." He mumbled, opening the door and walking out. Trusty bat in hand and best friend of four legs beside him.


Word count: 1,149

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