😁Special Announcement😁

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Greetings Trainees,

This announcement will contain important information:

+KG Awards
+The KG Show
+Retromix Records


Ok this is really important because I have a co-ceo for this company now and it's my cousin Travis. He has been helping me come with some of the characters here and I'm really grateful for that even tho he's not a fan of kpop but he still want to help me. So there will be a chapter about him soon.

KG Awards:

Ok for the KG Awards is cancelled because I haven't had the time to get idea of the awards and I guessed that nobody has fill out the forms for the awards. To be honest I knew this was coming but I still wanted to do it if I have time I can do and if people start filling out the forms I can do it until then it's cancelled.

The KG Show

The KG Show is still on I'm just planning out the episodes for it when it done I'll let you guys know. So don't worry it's not cancelled or anything else it's still on.


Ok starting from this point on if you are interested to be in this company or Paxy Ent. You have to fill out the google form in my bio ok. It's just easier for me.


Ok this is a hard one in the beginning I said that I'll update everyday even if I had school well about that I'm in highschool so I'm about make a schedule for the books and I'll make a book about it so it will be easier for the both of us.

Retromix Records

Paxy Ent. and KG Company made Retromix Records where we can produce music and have our music producers and choreographers there. So yeah and there will be other staffs in the main buildings I just have to make them.


Ok here are some shoutout


And that's all for now Peace Out ✌

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