A/N Important pls read 😊

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Me: *Walks in the studio*

Me: "Hello everyone this is Sunshyne-chan and today news is-"

Jaemin: *Bursts in and hugs me* "-Sunshyne-chan what are you doing let's go gets something to eat-"

Nova: *Bursts into the the room too*"-Stop right there Jae-san you know I was going to ask her to lunch"

Jaemin: "Well I already ask her what are you going to do about it"*Looks at him*

Nova: "I'm going to take her out to dinner and you can't stop me"

Jaemin: "Oh really how about we just fight right now for her love"

Nova: "Alright don't have to tell me twice"

Them: *About to fight*

Me: "Ayo will you guys stop I'm trying to tell the Readers something but you guys interrupted me so pls stop this nonsense for one second" *smh and smacks the back of their heads*

Them: "Ow ok Sunshyne-chan" *rubs their heads*

Me: "As I was saying today is that I have posted a new book it's called The KG show Ik you guys are saying why would I make a book about the company book well the reason why is that I can make a whole series about the company and it would make sense if I made a book about the show."

Nova: "Wow Sunshyne-chan that's very sweet of you"

Jaemin: "Yeah letting the readers learn about the show"

Me: "I guess but I just wanted them to know that I made the show for a reason to show why and how you become a K-pop Idols or groups"

Them: *Crying and clapping*

Me: "You guys are over dramatic you knoq that"

Minerva: *Walks in* "Hey Sunshyne-chan do you want to join me to lunch"

Me: "Aw Minnie I would lov-"


Nova: "LET GO OF HER JAE-SAN" *Trys to pull me off of Jaemin*

Minerva: *Pulls me to her* "Would you two stop yelling and fussing about Sunshyne-chan going to lunch with you"

Them: *Goes quiet and listen to Minerva*

Me: "Thank you Minnie and how about I go to lunch with all of you does that sound fun" *Smiles*

Minerva: "Yeah that sounds like a good idea Sunshyne-chan" *Smiles back*

Nova: "I'm fine with it what bout you Jae-san" *Looks at him*

Jaemin: *Looks away* "Yeah that would be fun but just for today"

Me: *Claps* "Great then it's settled why don't you guys go get your lunch and wait for me while I finish up here ok"

Minerva: "Ok see you at lunch then" *Waves and leaves*

Nova: "Yeah see you at lunch Sunshyne-chan" *Smiles and leaves*

Jaemin: "I'm not leaving without you"

Me: "Jae-san I'm fine now go"*push him out the room*

Jaemin: "But what if you get hurt"

Me: *Up at him* " I'm not gonna get hurt" * Stubbs my toe* "Ow"

Jaemin: "You'll see like that is your toe ok"

Me: "It's just stubb toe I'm fine now stop being over dramatic"

Jaemin: "Alright see you at lunch Sunshyne-chan" *Waves and leaves*

Me: "Alright See you there" *Waves back*

Me: "Alright then so do you guys want a face reveal soon because I would to do that for guys and I'll be shouting out people in the next A/N note so be on a look out for that"

Me: "And I have new K-pop groups and Idols that I'm working on so be on look out for that too"

Me: "Also The KG Awards is on October 11, 2020 so I hope you be there it's on amino if you can check it out for me I appreciate it"

Me: "I know that I'm putting in a lot of work into this and the reason why is because I love K-pop and writing so I tend to be extreme with these two"

Me: "Welp I have to go so it's time to say Peace Out ✌"

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