Is This The End (STILL Continued)

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Brandon's Point of View

What are we going to do? The thought pondered on my mind but in that moment, it didn't seem to matter too much at all. Nikki was in my arms, and I felt all the strength in the world was with me. It made me feel like I had just gone to heaven when I heard just how much Nikki felt for me.

Nikki: "Y-you're not angry?"

I look at her for a few seconds. She has the most amazing smile on her face. She seems just as happy as me. She's ridiculous. Then again, she is a really wonderful person. She's caring, beautiful, funny, artistic, and silly. She's amazing. I sigh wistfully.

Brandon: "Why would I be angry, Nikki?"

Nikki: "I thought maybe you would be upset that I put you in a bad situation like that..."

Her smile fades a little and she look down at her feet. I just shake my head and smile. I love her so much.

Brandon: "It might be bad, but it'd be worse for me if you left me."

She looks at me, and her eyes are wide and sincere as she smiles. Tears fall from her eyes and her cheeks are rosy. The sight makes my heart skip a beat and I softly chuckle. I bring my hand up to her face and wipe away her tears softly.

Brandon: "There's no need to cry, Nikki."

She smiles and sniffles a little. She hugs me tighter and let's go softly. She nods her heads at the girls who smile and join her in a group hug. They laugh and smile.

I barely realized they were watching. Again. I feel heat rise to my face and look away. I look at my watch. We have five minutes, at most. I cough and the girls look at me. Nikki smiles and slowly let's go.

Brandon: "We got five minutes. Your idea?"

Nikki: "Well, I have one that just might work. Mind if I say mine first?"

The girls nod and so do I. I wonder what it is.

Nikki: "Well, I was a thinking, we were in the halls, right? So there should be video cameras. If we can convince them to see the footage, then we can show them the truth."

I look at her for a while and smile. She's brilliant. I'm so freaking lucky. The girls smile and high-five.

Chloe: "Although we could just go mission impossible and take out the principal and become teenage runaways."

We all look at her.

Chloe: "What?!"

We all laugh and smile. I look at my watch for a second. We only have about two minutes left now. I show Nikki my watch and she nods.

Nikki: "Come on. Let's get this over with."

I smile. The girls nod and we all walk together to the principal's office. When we get there, Mackenzie is already inside. She's sitting in a chair, waiting just outside Principal Winston's door. She sees us and glares.

Mackenzie: "Nice to see you all here, dorks."

She smiles as she runs her eyes over us. She opens her mouth again, but is interrupted my the sound of the door opening. Principal Winston is standing by it.

Principal Winston: "You all can come in now."

Mackenzie quickly goes inside. We start walking in. Nikki stays behind with Chloe and Zoey. She comes in but before the other girls can come in He raises his hand up when Chloe and Zoey come to the door.

Principal Winston: "I'm afraid the two of you will have to stay outside."

Chloe and Zoey look at me and Nikki and mouth "I'm sorry." Nikki nods and smiles. She mouths back to them, "It's okay." Chloe and Zoey smile and walk to back the waiting area.

I look at Nikki, and worry is set in her eyes. I sigh. I'm worried too. I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers together. I squeeze her hand and she squeezes back. We can get through this. Mackenzie sits down in one of his office chairs, smiling evilly at us. I pray Nikki and I will make it out together and this plan will work.

Principal Winston closes the door and we take a seat in his office chairs. He takes his own seat behind his desk in his leather desk chair. He looks at us and sighs.

Principal Winston: "Miss Maxwell, Mr. Roberts, what story do you have to tell?"

Nikki speaks up before I can say a word.

Nikki: "You see, sir, before anything, can I ask If you'd be willing to look at the video footage?"

The principal looks at us with wide eyes.

Principal Winston: "We don't really do those types of things in these situations, Miss Maxwell. We take the video footage only for extremely important situations."

Nikki: "I know sir, and I know asking you is kind of extreme, but please take a look at them. They hold much truth in them."

The principal sighs and looks at both of us.

Principal Winston: "I'll see what I can do. But first, you need to tell me what happened."

We both nod. I look at Nikki, and the determination in her eyes know have washed her worries away. I smile.

Brandon: "I'll go first, sir."

He nods and leans back in his chair, crossing his arms. I take a deep breath. This is going to take awhile.

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