The Beginning of The End (Continued...AGAIN)

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Nikki's Point of View

I really didn't mean to kiss that guy. I was walking in the halls and minding my own business when this guy came up and said:

???: "I hear you want some of this."

He gestured to himself and I just look away in disgust. I can't believe someone would do this. Gross.

Nikki: "Look, I don't know why you came up to me, but I don't want whatever your offering. I don't need you."

???: "Come on, the girl already told me. She even paid me to make your worries fade."

I look at him like he's crazy but before I can say another word he grabs my hands and pushes me against a locker. I try to scream but he pushes his lips against mine. I try to move my head but he doesn't let me. I struggle but he's too strong for me to push him off me. What if Brandon sees me? He'll definitely leave me. I feel tears running down my cheeks. I pray and pray that Brandon won't leave me.

And then I saw Brandon running towards me. He saved me, even though I kissed another guy. I feel really, truly bad for what's happened. I wonder if he has truly forgiven me for what I've done. I know he said he did, but I still feel like the worst girlfriend in the history of girlfriends. I sigh and pray.

And now, I'm here in Brandon's arms, hoping everything will be alright. I know I've said sorry a thousand times, but does he really forgive me? I cry on his shoulder, and suddenly feel bad for covering him in snot. I smile a little and wipe my tears. I look up at him.

Nikki: "No matter what happens, I won't leave you. Do you promise me?"

Brandon looks down at me and stops look at the principal who's about to talk to Mackenzie. Some people are still staring, but I honestly couldn't care less.

Brandon: "I'll never leave you, Nikki. I forgive you."

He whispers to me through my ear. We brace ourselves for the principals verdict.

Mackenzie: "Well, you see Principal Winston, I was simply talking to Brandon awhile ago. I know exactly what he did. And Nikki too."

She points to us and shoots daggers through me with her icy blue eyes. I see a bruise on her cheek.

What were Brandon and Mackenzie talking about?

Mackenzie: "Brandon was saying he was going to start hurting whoever came in his path."

I look at Brandon and he shakes his head, as if to tell me she's lying. I believe him.

Mackenzie: "I tried to console him, saying violence wasn't the way to do things, but he slapped me."

She points to the bruise on her cheek. I look at Brandon but he looks away. Did he really slap Mackenzie? I wonder why. Then she gestures to her friend Jessica who's been standing by a locker. Jessica comes forward.

Mackenzie: "Right, Jess?"

Jessica: "Definitely. I totes saw it happen."

Mackenzie looks to Principal Winston and he's nodding. I walk up to him and let go of Brandon. Brandon lets go but still hold on to my hand protectively.

Nikki: "Principal Winston, none of this is true, trust m-"

Principal Winston looks at me and gesture me to stop talking.

Principal Winston: "I realize that this may not be true, Miss Maxwell, but we must see all sides of the story."

I step back and look at Brandon. He squeezes my hand as if to say it's going to be okay. I nod and squeeze back.

Mackenzie smiles and continues.

Mackenzie: "Brandon then saw that Nikki-"

She points at me and smiles deviously. I glare and hold back the anger rising up inside of me.

Mackenzie: "Was cheating on him. His emotions got the best of him and he raged out."

She puts her head in her hands.

Mackenzie: "It was simply terrible. I was so frightened. I can't believe all this happened."

She continues. She's trying to torture us more? I cry and see Chloe and Zoey in the back of the crowd. I haven't seem them in awhile. It's been forever. At least it seems like it. Chloe was sick and Zoey had an important trip to go on, so I didn't get to see them. I look down. I feel ashamed. Did they see what happened? Would they believe Mackenzie?

Mackenzie: "Nikki only taunted him by kissing the other guy more. Brandon pushed the guy off and grabbed Nikki. Nikki, Nikki. The poor thing."

She gestures towards me, her face in a fake pity. I feel the anger rise up inside me almost uncontrollably.

Principal Winston nods. He sighs and looks at his watch.

Principal Winston: "Well, Miss Maxwell, Mr. Roberts , Miss Hollister. We will have to speak later. I have a meeting. I would like to hear both Brandon's and Nikki's side of the story after school. I expect Mackenzie to come too. I will decide who gets punished."

He starts telling everyone to fan out and leave. I cry on Brandon's shoulder. I really hope everything will be okay.

Nikki: "What are we going to do?"

Brandon: "I don't know, but we'll hunk of something. We'll get through this. Okay?"

I look at him. He looks like he has very few doubts, but he still has doubts. He holds me tight in his arms and tries to comfort me. I nod, but a scary thought haunts me. What if they revoke my scholarship? What if I'm expelled? I'll have to leave to another school. I don't want that.

I get off his shoulder and sigh. I look up and see Chloe and Zoey running towards us. I let go of Brandon and meet them halfway. Brandon walks close behind me.

Chloe: "OMG! What happened to you guys? Do I have to beat someone up?"

She gets in a kicking stance and looks around. Zoey rolls her eyes.

Zoey: "Are you guys okay? We saw what happened. Man, the things that happen when you only leave for a little while....."

I look to them. I see genuine concern in their eyes. I trust them. I sure hope they trust me. Brandon comes up a little closer behind me.

Nikki: "What a greeting this must've been."

Chloe and Zoey smile and hug me.

Chloe: "We'll get through this. Don't worry."

Zoey: "Yeah were BFFs! And you have Brandon too."

They let go and smile teasingly. I look to Brandon, and he's blushing. I feel heat rising up my own cheeks but I smile.

Chloe: "So what's been going on with you two lovebirds?"

I feel my face turn crimson and I scowl at them. They both laugh and then turn a little serious.

Zoey: "But seriously. We want to help."

I look at them gratefully and smile.

Nikki: "Really?"

They both nod. I look to Brandon and he's smiling down at me. I take a deep breath and exhale.

Nikki: "It's a long story."

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