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I honestly dunno why I'm writing this rant. I don't even really have anything to rant about, I just felt like ranting.

All of my friends are hurting. Cat, Caster, Summer, Joelle...

I want to be there for them. I want to help them. I want to just go up to them and wrap my arms around them and tell them things get better. But I can't. I feel so... helpless. And I fucking hate it. Others come first, that's how it goes. But how are they supposed to come first if I can't do anything?

Everyone I've met on here deserves happiness (not talking about you gia and claire, I hope you both rot in hell). They deserve to feel loved and to be alive. But I can't do anything about that. "It gets better" and "you are amazing" can only do so much. And I hate that so much.

 Why can't anything be easy for once? Why can't people just be fucking happy? Why does everyone have to put other people down to make them feel better about themselves? Why does life have to suck?

I wish people didn't have to feel like this. So empty inside. Like nothing is worth fighting for anymore. Like they don't deserve to be in this world. Because there are things to fight for. And they deserve to be alive.

But they're right: they don't deserve to be in this world. Because a Earth is a shitty mess. We're all on lockdown because of an incurable virus. People are considered "lesser" because of who they like or how they look. Global warming is getting worse. There are still places where hurting children and animals are legal. And the worst part? No ones doing anything about it. You can riot, you can make speeches, you can raise money for a cause. But it still doesn't do anything. In reality, you're just saying words. Words that make some people angry and words that some people just won't listen to.

I personally hate it here. The need for superiority is tiring. Why can't everyone just ACCEPT WHO EVERYONE IS?!?

But that doesn't mean you should die.

We're the next generation. If we're not here to fix the world everyone else messed up, who's going to?

Not to mention how many people you'd be hurting if you killed yourself. You might think it's better for everyone around you. Or maybe you think that if you leave, the world will be a better place. But that's not true. By dying, you'd be hurting the people who love you. Then theyd become depressed and maybe do some things they might regret if they were in the right state of mind. It's like an ever-lasting domino effect: someone hurts themselves, other people get hurt, then more and more and more people get hurt until eventually there is no more happiness in the world. Everyone's just numb. Then our humanity disappears. We kill eachother just because. Everything falls into chaos.

So don't give up. Don't start the domino effect.

You are strong. All you need to do is make it through another day because this is not the end. Nothing lasts forever, and while that night apply to happiness, it also applies to depression. You will be happy one day, whether that's tomorrow or in a month or in 5 years. You will find happiness. But not if you're dead.

I really hope no one saw this. It's probably the least uplifting thing I've ever said...

I'll save anyone reading this from my stupid thoughts and stop writing now. Sorry.

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