Snape looked at her, extinguishing the little flame on the ground. "It's none of your business, Lupin." He said shortly, his tone cold.

"She was your friend," Elise all but yelled. "She was always there for you. For years. But the moment she does something that you don't agree with, you call her a filthy name!"

He stood up suddenly and got mere inches from her face, glaring down at her with icy intensity. But surprisingly, the Hufflepuff did not falter in stance or returning the deathly stare.

"She betrayed me," he retorted quietly between gritted teeth. "She knew how Potter treated me and still she went out with him!"

"She doesn't owe you shit!" Elise growled to his face, her brown eyes ablaze with anger. "All she wanted was to go on a date, to be happy."

Snape's features softened, just slightly. He swallowed hard. "You don't understand. I love h-"

Suddenly a bright blue jet of light hit him in his chest, sending him down to the ground.

Elise turned to see the entirety of the Marauders coming down the hill to them, James with his wand in hand and looking infuriated.

"I heard what you fucking called her!" James shouted, his eyes wide with anger as he stopped a few feet from Snape, who was still on the ground. He tried to clamber to his feet, but a swift kick in the ribs from Peter sent him back down with a painful grunt.

Remus stayed back from the encounter, grimacing at the ordeal. Sirius stood right behind James with his own wand in his hand, ready to provide back-up for his best friend if needed.

"If I ever see you near Lily again, I'll kill you," James threatened in a low voice. Snape just lied there silently on his back.

"James, stop!" Elise quickly put herself between him and Snape. His wand was now pointed into her chest.

"Elise, please, stay out of it!" Remus called, but she ignored him.

"Listen to him, El," James said, unmoving. His eyes were a mirror of how her own must have looked earlier. Filled with rage and fire. "This doesn't concern you."

"This isn't necessary," she yelled at him. "Lily doesn't want this!"

"I don't care!" said James. "He called her a - "

"Mudblood. I know," she interrupted. "But she didn't even want me to come down and confront him, so it's a pretty good guess that she doesn't want you beating him up either."

Snape had moved himself into a kneeling position behind her, grabbing his stomach and groaning. James, hearing the boy, tightened his grip on his wand and gritted his teeth.

"Elise. Move. Now." He demanded.

"No. You'll have to hex me, too."

"Elise, don't be stupid," Sirius pleaded quietly, taking a step toward her. She took out her own wand and pointed it at him.

"What the hell are you doing?!" said Remus, sounding distressed and worried over his sister's actions.

"He may have fucked up big time," Elise muttered, not breaking eye contact with James. "But he's not a bad person."

James seemed conflicted, practically holding his breath as he and Elise stared each other down for a few silent moments.

"Prongs, if you fire one spell at my sister," Remus broke the silence in a low tone. "I will make your face match mine."

Everyone's eyes widened. Nobody had ever heard Remus threaten anyone, let alone his friend.

Slowly, James and Elise both lowered their wands. The Marauders backed away from the Hufflepuff, eyeing her with uncertainty and even betrayal.

"Fine. Let's go," James huffed, finally tearing his eyes away from Elise and skulking back towards the castle. The rest followed, with Remus shooting his sister a look that said 'This isn't over.'

Once all the Gryffindors were out of sight, she turned around and offered a hand to Snape.

He eyed it cautiously, but accepted it and let her help him to his feet.

For a moment, they simply stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

Elise got lost in those endless black eyes of his for a few seconds, admiring the deepness of them. What did I just do?

"Why..." He began softly. "Why did you do that?"

She tore her gaze away from him, shaking her head. "You did it for me..." She whispered, referring to the day when he stood up to his own fellow Slytherins to help her.

After one last quick glance at him, she turned and sluggishly walked back to the castle.

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