Hearing noises from the other side of the line, there was talking in the background. "Well... remember the 'Guild' Dazai was talking about? The one that put that huge bounty on Atsushi...? Well they're here, they asked Fukuzawa to hand over the gifted organization permit, and of course he refused. So now we have a-"

Taking a deep breath in, you cut him off. "Slow down buddy, I can't process this all at once. Didn't they come from the western side anyways? This 'Guild'?" You already hated the sound of them, especially with the knowledge that they had placed the bounty on the were-tiger. "And why were they going for the permit if they made a huge deal over Atsushi?"

Indecisive assholes...

"I don't have all the answers Y/n... tomorrow you can ask Ranpo, and we can figure it all out." He sounded tired, so you let him off without any questions. "Oh, and also, heads up. We also kidnapped one of the executives from the Port Mafia-"

Your heart skipped a beat.

"Her names Kouyou Ozaki, Dazai was getting info from her earlier, but she wants to stay cause of Kyoka? She has a similar gift, so she must've trained her when she was at the Port Mafia."

Letting out a sigh of relief, you nodded. "Alright, thanks Tanizaki, I'll see you tomorrow at work." With that you ended the call, slamming your head on the table with a groan. You weren't looking forward to this supposed Guild. They sounded like trouble, and with exams coming up, you really didn't have any time to spare.

If those fuckers get in the way of my grades-

Glancing back at the problems on the sheet of paper, you rubbed your head. As long as you has time for everything going on right now, things would work out.


Or not.

Tanizaki stood in front of you, repeating the events to empty ears as you stood in front of him. Eyebags shadowed under your lashes, and you rubbed at them, praying that they'd go away and disappear. Pulling an all nighter was a terrible idea, especially considering the boy had warned you about the Guild earlier as well.

Let's see... in the span of a morning, Naomi and Kenji were kidnapped, brought back by Atsushi who defeated a Guild member, and now-

"We are changing our base."

Giving him an exasperated stare, you rubbed your head. "Lovely, where to then?" You used a mocking tone as you walked past him, watching as he hurried to give you the direction. Apparently he had his own business to mind to, and everyone had separated into groups already. You felt bad for not have come earlier to the office, but your exhausted limbs screamed otherwise.

"Alright, I'll go over to talk to Ranpo, and I'll see what I can help with." With that, you two split off, heading out of the Agency building to the new direction the boy has given you. Staring at the sheet of paper, you narrowed your eyes.

My navigation skills are currently at 0-

It didn't take you long to find the place, much to your surprise. You walked through a sewage like place before arriving there, noticing the cameras and waving absentmindedly. Must've been the only entrance, otherwise they wouldn't have set it all up like this. Avoiding a couple traps and nearly tripping over the rocks, you managed your way to the building.

"That's what happens when you're late," Yosano hummed as she tapped her pen against the piece of paper she had in her hand. You'd made it to the room they were all in, and staring at Kenji, Ranpo, the doctor, and Fukuzawa, you nodded.

"My bad my bad- I'm here now though, should I stick around?"

Fukuzawa gave you a serious look, and with a slow shake of his head, he paused. "There's too much going on for you to stay, stick with Atsushi and Kyoka for now. There's no doubt going to be something that goes wrong, if not, just be there in case." He looked at Ranpo just in case, and the boy nodded.

𝓐𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬 (Dazai x F!Reader x Chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now