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"Huang Renjun wake up! We have practice today, don't be lazy, sleepy head!" Jaemin scolded Renjun while trying to wake him up.  

Renjun is still sleepy, however, manage to open his eyes and pout as he saw Jaemin's face. Renjun sighed. 

"Just give me another 3 minutes, Jaem, just 3 more minutes and then-" Jaemin glared at him. Renjun rolled his eyes and threw his hands up. "I give up," Then he stood up and do his morning routine. 

"Is Chenle already awake?" Jaemin asked Jisung that made him tensed a bit. The maknae shrugged. 

"I don't know hyung," Jaemin pouted as he look at his wrist watch. These kids are giving him head aches, they have to be early in the studio.

"Go to his room and wake him up," Jaemin ordered before going to the kitchen, making Jisung froze for what he just said. 

He'll wake up his hyung? 

What if Chenle got mad because he disturb his sleep? Jisung shrugged. Then he'll answer him that it's their hyung's order. 

Jisung sighed before going to Chenle's room.  

He wish himself a goodluck.

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