• Problem At The Zoo •

Start from the beginning

"Wahhh the animals are all so cute!!!", Hinata exclaimed flashing his sunshine smiles while skipping past the animals and taking photos of them.

"Not as cute as you though...", Kageyama muttered under his breath blushing.

"Hm? Did you say something Kageyama?", Hinata asked Kageyama as he heard something from his side.

"Huh? Nothing!!!", Kageyama quickly answered.

"Uhmm...Ok then...", Hinata said and continued taking pictures.

"Phew! Nice save!", Kageyama thought.

After a while they all got separated. Yamaguchi and Hinata were by the monkeys and suddenly one threw a stick at Yamaguchi and his hand had a small scar on it.

"Yamaguchi are you okay?!", Hinata asked in a worried and concerned tone.

"Oh uh yeah. It's not that big of a deal.", Yamaguchi brushed it off.

"Not a big deal? Are you serious?", Hinata asked.

"Come on lets sit on the bench and I will aid it for you.", Hinata said as he took Yamaguchi wrist and made his sit on the bench.

"How will you aid it without-", Yamaguchi couldn't finish his sentence because Hinata pulled out a first aid kit out of his bag.

"I always keep a first aid kit around me since you know I am a bit clumsy.", Hinata chuckled.

He took out a gauze and then gently took Yamaguchi's hand and he carefully and gently tied it around the scar. Yamaguchi didn't feel any ain because he was staring at Hinata.

What he didn't know was that he was blushing so when Hinata looked up to him he asked,"Uhmm Yamaguchi are you sick? You are a bit red..."

Yamaguchi snapped out of his thoughts and said ,"Huh? Oh it's a bit hot that's why. How about we continue looking at the animals?"

Hinata said ,"Okay then! Lets go!"

And they continued going around the zoo like nothing had happened. It was all going peacefully and they even held out their hands to touch the animals, of course the friendly ones not the wild ones. But the trip couldn't last forever and they had to leave at some point.

They were all about to leave when they all suddenly heard a loud scream.


All of a sudden people were running away and then they saw a...

















The tiger had found out how to escape from his cage and now he was freed. It was growling and roaring scaring the shit out of the people. The team was frozen in shock and surprise and moreover with fear. Suddenly the tiger pounced on one of the people who had accidently tripped and fell down. When Hinata saw this he knew he had to act or else the person would die. Hinata took a deep breath and did something they NEVER dared to do before.

He went over to the tiger and of course the team shouted at him telling him to come back but he ignored them all. He stared at the tiger for a few seconds and then remembered he had a sandwich in his bag!!

He thought maybe the tiger would follow him because of the sandwich. And the plan went exactly as he hoped. The tiger at once started following him and when Hinata was close to the cage he gave the tiger the sandwich. The tiger gobbled it all up at first sight to which Hinata stroked his head. Soon the tiger took a liking to Hinata and started licking his face.

"Hehe stop it! It tickles!!", Hinata giggled as the tiger licked his face.

"MY BABY STAY AWAY OH MY ASAHI...", Sugawara said before fainting on Daichi.

"H-HINATA! SUGA!", Daichi shouted not knowing who to help.

"H-HINATA-KUN! oh...", Takeda started but also fainted.

"O-O-OI KIDDO THATS DANGEROUS! ALSO HOW IS THAT THING NOT ATTACKING YOU?! ARE YOU A GOD?!", Coach Ukai shouted as he caught Takeda from falling to the ground.

"B-B-B-BOKE HINAATA BOKE STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THAT THING NOW!", Kageyama shouted trying not to be scared.

"S-SHRIMPY WHAT THE FUCK ARE Y-YOU DOING?! IT WILL EAT YOU!", Tsukishima shouted next as he saw the tiger licking Hinata's face.

"H-H-H-HINATA!", Yamaguchi shouted as he hid behind Tsukishima.

"O-O-OUR KOUHAI!  Tanaka and Nishinoya together shouted.

"Oh dear lord pray for hina-", Asahi started praying but fainted.

Hinata didn't know why they were scared and making it such a big deal. Soon the zoo keeper arrived thanked him for taking care of the tiger. But he just brushed it off saying it was no big deal.

Lets say someone also took a video of the incident and uploaded it online. It went ViRaL and now Hinata had a certain reputation at social media.

In addition to that, the team sworn that they would never to go to the zoo with Hinata or else they will see more of this.


I hope you liked it cause I spent literally like 6 hours rewriting and adjusting this one shot. I have nothing more to say so now imma go and work on the next one shot :)

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