• Bows and Arrows •

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I hope you all enjoy reading this :)

As the Karasuno parents Sugawara and Daichi had to make sure that they all behave and be disciplined. Since the team had been getting a bit distant once in a while Sugawara prepared some bonding activities so they wouldn't be too distant. Daichi and Sugawara decided to do another bonding activity this week on the weekend.

They had a meeting in the gym about this-

Tsukishima said,"Just get to the point."

Yamaguchi said,"Don't say that Tsuki!"

Kagayama mocked,"Yeah 'Tsuki' "

Yamaguchi shouted,"Hey!"

Tsukishima said,"Don't call me that you little shit!"

Kagayama responded,"Eh? Is Yamaguchi the only one who can call you that?"

Tanaka and Nishinoya laughed,"HAHAAHAAHAHA!!!"

Hinata said,"Guys calm down Sugawara-san and Daichi-san is trying to make an announcement."

Sugawara commented,"This is why you're my favourite."

Daichi said,"Back to the matter.We are having another bonding activity."

They was a lot of groaning coming from most of the team only a few were excited.

Hinata asked,"Oooooo What are we doing?"

Suagawara shouted,"We are going to the Archery Olympics!"

Hinata froze on the spot but no one noticed because of the bickering.

Nishinoya asked,"Archery? What the hell is that?"

Tanaka asked,"Does it include darts?"

Tsukishima commented,"Idiots. I guess you don't go to school for studying."

Nishinoya shouted,"Ehhhh What did you say?!"

Tanaka said,"We SENPAI are smart!!!"

Tsukishima said,"Really? You barely pass."

Nishinoya was lost for words and so was Tanaka.

Sugawara said,"Tsukishima that is not the tone you use for your upperclassmen."

Tsukisima rolled his eyes,"Yeah yeah whatever."

Daichi said,"Well for those of you who do not know what archery.It is a sport where you have to shoot arrows."

Nishinoya gasped ,"That sounds so cool!!!"

Tanaka asked,"Shooting arrows sound amazing!!!"

Yamaguchi asked,"When are we going?"

Sugawara said,"This Saturday at 2:00 pm.We are all meeting at the bus station.From there we will drive to the Stone edge stadium."(I made up the stadium name and I know it sounds horrible.)

Kagayama asked,"Why are you so silent Hinata?"

All heads turned to Hinata making him feel anxious.

Hinta said,"Oh...Uhmm I can't come..."

Sugawara asked,"Why not? Did something happen?"

Hinata replied,"I have some...family issues."

Suagwara said,"Ok then."

After this meeting they all dispersed to their houses. Usually Hinata would walk with Kagayama but this time he bailed out.

Why did Sugawara-san suggest archery? And even worse they are going to the Stone edge stadium!!! Why me?

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