• Paintings •

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Today the practice was a lot quiet as their usual cheery ball of sunshine had not come for practice due to some reasons at home.While they were practicing,Coach Ukai and Takeda called the team and the managers.They all came over to their coach and faculty manager waiting for their announcement.

Once everyone was present,Coach Ukai started,"Listen up everyone.We have some good and bad news.The good news is that we are going to the spring tournament."

After hearing that,the team were cheering and smiling.But when Coach Ukai clapped his hands for attention,they all looked back at him.

Coach Ukai resumed,"But ....the tournament is tomorrow but we cannot discuss our plans in the gym due to the new rule of the school.So we have to discuss our plans at someone's house,but we can't go to my house due to it being too small for all of us.So...Can someone ask their parents if we can use their house for a meeting?"

Everyone was shocked about the news and looked at eachother.They were not able to make a decision because their houses we either small,messy or because their parents wouldn't allow them.There was a moment of silence when Kagayama got an idea.

Kagayama started,"How about we hold a meeting ata Hinata's place.He lives up the mountains so he has a big backyard and by the looks of his house,it has plenty of area for us.And Hinat is also staying at his house so we can inform him about everything."

They all thought about what Kagayama said and decided to go to Hinata's place so Coach Ukai called Hinata but he did not pick the phone.They all thought that maybe the connection is bad or the phone is in airplane mode.So they locked the gym and started walting toward's Hinata's house by following Kagayama's directions.

Half way through their way towards Hinata's house,all of them were panting and Nishinoya said,"How the hell does he bike everyday to school?!"

Tanaka said,"I know right!I am beat already!"

Kagayama said,"You idiots!Where do you think he got all the energy from then?Of course because of this long walk since it's a hella lot distance from school."

Tanaka and Nishinoya glared at Kagayama and was about to shout at him but kept quiet for they didn't want to get in trouble with their coach.When they all reached Hinata's house,they were admiring it as it was big and graceful .Even though they were sweating profusely,Kagayama had the strength to ring the doorbell.Instead of being greeted by Hinata or Hinata's family members,they were greeted by a woman in a kimono.

The woman smiled at them and then asked,"Good Afternoon.Are you here for Hinata-sama?"

By the woman's words,the team were shocked and there was a loud resonating sound of "Eeeeeehhhhhhhh"

The woman said,"Please be quiet.Hinata-sama is right now busy in his room and needs some quiet.But you did not answer my question,are you here for Hinata-sama and if so why?"

Daichi replied"Y-yes we are here for him.W-we are his friends and teammates in volleyball and we came to discuss our plans for a tounament."

The woman said,"Oh!Okay you may come in.Please take off your shoes by the side of the doorstep and follow me."

The team did what they were told and follow the woman inside the house.They were amazed and shocked to see many paintings in the hallway and up the stairs.They were also astonished to hear that Hinata was rich.The paintings were so well made and so delicate that they could not stop staring at it.

Due to curiosity,Coach Ukai asked,"These painting are so beautiful.May I ask who did this?"

The woman replied,"These were done by Hinata-sama."

The team was nonetheless amazed by Hinata's talent.By the time they finished their small conversation,the woman knocked on the door.It was followed by a faint"Come in...."

The woman opened the door and said,"Sorry to disturb you Hinata-sama but there are people here to see you."

Hinata who was painting on a canvas,looked back and was shocked to see his team.He then told the woman to leave and she closed the door and left.The moment the woman left,Hinata was greeted by a lot of questions from everyone.

Hinata smiled nervously and said,"I did not expect you to come here.To put it short,I am a professional painter and since my mother found out my talent,she told me to paint more and so it became a hobby and by selling most of it,I gained more money.I didn't tell you about this due to a promise I gave my mother.But since I answered your question,you all have to tell me why you are here."

The team understood him and they informed him about what all he had missed during practice.After hearing this,Hinata was pale-white and he put his material away.

He said,"Why are we wasting time then?Let's go!"

Hinata led them all to the backyard and after a few hours of discussion with some snack breaks in the middle with some drinks,they all left bid their goodbyes to Hinata.

As they went back to their houses they thought,"What all are you hiding from us Hinata?"


I hope you liked this one-shot!Thank you for reading.

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